breeza said:
So nice to have you back with us
Noticed activity on your diary couple of days ago but didn't get around to checking it out as had a busy few days.
So the move to Canada came off then how exciting !!!
Sorry to hear you been a little poorly since you got there,hope things are better now.
Gosh them doughnut holes sound like just the kind of things I would love to eat.
Noticed you popped by my diary, it's a new one deleted my other one as was too depressing lol have lost no weight for a long time now,quit sw tried ww but was too hungry then I invested in these things called slim pods that I'm listening to,which are meant to change our relationship with food and deal with all the emotional stuff !!!
Anyways look forward to hearing all about your new life in Canada

Ooh I'm intrigued by whst slim-pods are!

My food issues are totally ruled by emotions, I need to sort it out! x
MrsLmc said:
Hey Carrie, great to see you back. Sorry I don't be on here so much anymore. I tend to be on MFP every day though. I can't seem to find you there so maybe you could have a look for me there...I'm Laurarun on it.
You seem to be doing well keeping on track, so sorry to hear about your health problems, I hope you feel well soon x
Thanks hun, I'm a long way off from feeling better but try & keep hoping that someday I will x
azwethinkweiz said:
Hey honey, how's your weekend been going? I know it's so tough to stick to the calories when there are so many delicious things or they are in our faces all the time. You will persevere though, you were right to think "I'll save it for a proper treat another time"... proud of you for that!

I've eaten a bit much again this weekend but I went for a 5 mile run this morning and that should undo some of the damage lol

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My weekend has turned into a straight-up nightmare! I wish I could have done some exercise to offset the (pretty minor compared to what I wanted) damage I did today
I'm soooooooo p**sed off with my knee-jerk reaction to any stress being - "must fill face right now!"
It's a v.v.v.stressful time right now & things just keep going wrong! On top of everything today we learnt our landlord wants to sell out flat O.M.G.
I can't handle moving again so soon :'(
We never get to stay in a place long enough for it to feel like home
As if that's not going to make you want to do some stress eating!!
I had a major battle with myself today - basically spent the whole day trying not to binge even though OH was hoovering up everything not nailed down - see? Even he reacted to the stress by eating & he has no food issues! Instead of just going with it & thinking "extenuating circumstances" I gritted my teeth & refused to give in to the urge - this resulted in me being the stropiest, moodiest, mood swinging irritated ladyface ever! I just kept snapping at OH & then crying... Like a child not getting what it wants.
I found the whole day painful & even picked up cakes at the grocery store to satisfy the beast! Still didn't eat them when we got home - kept whinging about how I would have to write them down in MFP & then it would tell me off lol!
Writing this down makes me realise I owe OH an apology oops
I kept resisting till midnight & then I just caved - had 2 smallish pecan maple danish pastries & a small bowl of corn chips.
That was it.
That's what I'd been making myself miserable over all day.
Feel so silly now.
Although once I'd eaten those it triggered me really badly to want to eat sooooo much... I honestly don't know how I stopped myself there - I just kept crying & saying I wanted to binge really badly but knew that I couldn't stand the guilt that would come afterwards.
I'm dissapointed because I've only been tracking my food for 5 days & I'm already having such issues.
I'm so desperate to stick with it & lose some weight but I hate being miserable & having such negativity towards food.
I know I have to get some help but right now I don't want to just sit back & do nothing while I wait to get help - otherwise I will just get bigger & bigger & even more miserable.
Sorry for the depressing post.
1. I did show some behavioural changes by tollerating the urges for many hours before finally letting go.
2. I still cooked a healthy dinner even though I wanted to just eat cake & crisps instead - I don't want to fall into the trap of "if I just skip dinner I can have this cake instead" - it just doesn't sound like a healthy way of dealing with things for me.
3.............. This is a hard one, today was so bad!...... Oh! I turned down booze as a way to calm my stress - I would have loved a beer but I knew I'd rather have cake today if I had anything!