Here’s my first post in what 10...maybe 12 years...
Life had had some highs and some very very major lows.....
I got married. Had 2 kids, put on weight, lost some, put on more.
in 2014 my wife Tanesha was diagnosed with breast cancer and sadly passed away a year ago this week.
The constant hospital visits had taken their toll (vending machines and grub on the go.)
After Taneshas death I weighed 19 stone 11,felt fat, fed up and in need of focus. So one morning in May last year. I woke up and thought. “F%*k it Today I am going to start a new weight loss journey.”
That morning I went online and by the evening was in possession of a weeks worth of Cambridge packs.
The rest of the spring lockdown I managed to stick to it, finally weighing in at 14st 6lb by September 2020.
since the Christmas / New year I’ve crept back up to 15st and have decided it’s time to tackle the final hurdle.
2 days in and feeling wibbly wobbly, munched a bit of chicken yesterday but I always ease into the first few days like that..
here’s my progress so far the fist pic is February 2020 and December 2020.
here’s me in 2018 I was around 21 stone here..
Here’s me today, wanting to lose 2 stone...
if I can get to 13.5 or even just 14stone I’ll be happy as Larry, and my lightest in almost 15 years.