1 week in & a quarter of the way there

Lynne 12st 6lb - loss 1lb - loss so far 6lb- target loss 42lb - still to lose 36lb
Amanda 14st 6lb - loss 2lb - loss so far 4lb target loss 42lb - still to lose 38lb
Stylishkid : 14st 6.8 lbs - 7.6 lbs lost - 27.4 lbs to go - Goal - 35lbs
Bee: 13st13.4lb - loss 8.5 lb - target loss 28lb - still to lose 19.5 lb
Zoe 14st 4lb... - loss 1lb - loss so far 8lb- target loss 42lb
Anne 19st 1lb - loss 12lb so far - target loss 42lbs - still to lose 30lb
Susie58 15st 2lbs - loss 4lb so far - target loss 42lbs -still to lose 38lb
Fiona 13st 11lbs - loss 1lb - loss so far 6lbs - target loss 28lbs - still to lose 22lbs
Scotminx - 13st 10lb - loss 8lb - loss so far 8lb - target loss 25lbs - still to lose 17lbs
Catscratch - 13st 10lb - loss 9lb so far - target loss to Xmas 25lb- still to lost 25lb
Nicola - 12st 0lbs - loss so far 7lbs - target loss 28lbs - still to lose 21lbs