12 weeks to Christmas,the challenge is on!

Your doing great, I'm sure you will be in the 10's before you know it.

Great you feel smaller, your 2 st lighter so I'm not surprised by this, no wonder your clothes are feeling better.

I'm itching to follow you all as you move up the steps, keep up the good work x x
Oh me too - how I long to go up the steps and maintain my weight...*sigh* xx
Weekly weigh in :1lb off. Which I'm please about as I had a day off diet on Wednesday

Hope everyone else ok
Congrats on your loss Purple :) xx
Well it's been a on/off week really. Some days under ate purely because I am so busy at work and some days the complete opposite and very bad when out and about shopping. My sins i will own up to this week consisted of : *Black Forest hot chocolate in costa with stollen cake * a couple single blocks of yorkie bar *last Sunday had big fat Thai chicken curry and chocolate brownie * iced bun and half bag of Percy pigs So really it's been a 5/2 sort of week, have felt massive really! Anyway the scales however brought good news this morning in the form of 11.1lbs. I checked many times as I didn't really believe I had managed to lose a 1lb. Anyway nice surprise !
Hi Purple!

Wow on your loss especially after a week of temptation!! Just a warning - I had a couple of meals off plan last week and then got straight back on ss but I have been STARVING for days now! Craving things I don't normally even enjoy like mulled wine aaahhh!!

I feel a little better today but then it isn't even 9am yet so we'll see.

Have a great day xx
Thanks Clare I've got back on it and feeling positive ! Mid week weigh ....11 stone. Would love to see the 10s on sat (???)

You are doing fab !
Morning all
I haw had an excellent week other than last sat/sun (after weigh). Saturday consisted as a party Buffett , but didn't really eat that much when I think about it. Sunday : was good other than 2 iced tea cakes and a shot of Baileys.
As you can see the weekends are now my problem as I am out and about/eventing. But it's ok because I'm not in a dire rush to get to target and I'm not enjoying my life/events. Bottom line is the weight will come off,obviously quicker if I stick more to plan :) I live the real world!

Anyway weigh in this morning was great : 3.5lb lost and into the 10s wooo. Am so delighted ,have felt small this week too.
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Weekly weigh in : 1lb down to 10.10-8. Measurements decreased also. Good week overall.
How is everyone else?
thats great its all going in the right direction

stepped up to the third one had a weekend off hasn t been totally successful but im sticking to it and hopefully the results will start to show soon. trying like a bear to keep to 10 10 by jan 5th we ll see
Excellent. If I can be 10.10 by jan 5th I will be over the moon!!!

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Excellent. If I can be 10.10 by jan 5th I will be over the moon!!!

Sent from my iPad

That's great that your in the 10's, I knew it wouldn't take you long and i agree to kind of maintain this month is good going.

I set my goal to be in the 13's in Dec which I managed, next goal is to stay anywhere in the 13's at my next official weigh in - jan 2015, I think it's the 10th jan so it should be doable.

Keep up the fab work x x
Final weigh in before Xmas at the weekend was 10.11. So +1lb but was quite happy being that I have totally had wonderful xmas goodies allllll week. Happy to end the year on that ......next weigh day on the 3rd!
Well done Purple :)

Merry Xmas everyone see you in January
Hey Purple,

You still around??
Hi I am will be reporting in at the weekend ;)
Hello everyone Well have have had an extended period off (4 weeks) and I can't tell you how much crap I have eaten,to be honest it was eating everything after xmas,not the main Christmas /new year I was dreading my first proper weigh In as I know I put on a load of weight and my clothes have gone tight:(( Well ....weigh in confirmed my sins,weighed a whopping 11.10 !! Last weekend That's 13lbs aghhhhhh.
But today was 11.6 .Although I have dined at most types of restaurants in the past 2 weeks - Chinese/chippy/Thai/Indian/bistro etc. I have eaten and eaten and eaten , but I have got it out of my system I suppose Gutted but knew it was my fault. Now need to crack on, first stop is back to pre xmas weight. I have started back running and and very undecided about what plan to follow as past experience told me that low cals and lots of exercise do NOT Help you lose weight. Going to have a big think today re the food as I am going to continue running 4 times a week,also considering eating more (1000kcal+) and using activ8 weight loss drops supplements (have researched) Mmm decisions decisions How is everyone else ?
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