Thank you!
Well day 8 has been so weird!!
I woke up feeling fine as I have done al this week, but didn't have time to make my shake, so I rushed about getting the girls to school, getting weighed, and then had to rush off to collect my new car, which I was late for. My littlest was quite grumpy, so I thought I would dash into Sains to pick up red noses for the girls, and a few shopping bits...How weird is shopping for a family when the adults dont eat? Im sure the guy on the checkout thought I was a bit crackers with a load of lunchbox stuff and three packs of water and no proper dinner...haha!
I felt quite upset when I got home, I hadn't eaten anything and it was 12.30! So I made a quick shake, and necked it, and then felt better. hubby called to ressure me how brill I was doing...
I then ate a slice of ham. It happened out of no where!! I was making baby butterfly a ham roll, and there was one slice left in the packet, and before I could stop myself I had eaten it. Argh!!
I know it prob wont affect my Ketosis/Diet it was only a little slip, but after such a good weight loss, maybe im losing my marbles?? I was epxecting to feel brill today, and I haven't.
Anyway I've just had a chilli soup for the first time, which tasted nice, but would have preferred it without the bits in...
Oh and the sun's out, so i should feel amazing, but all I want to do is relapse.