133lbs to lose

Afternoon All

Am having such a busy week I dont know where the times going to will be glad when the boys finish school next week lol, My oldest has gone away today till friday on aschool trip lots af outdoor activities for him which means just our youngest at home we have already had floods of tears when he kissed his brother goodbye this morning so dare say that he will get a few treats tonight and tomorrow thinking of a nice film and the park and such.
Foodwise i have been good need to up my water intake and get back to my trusty Wii fit to kick start the losses again. Am in a good place at the mo and have very little stress which for me is amazing i stress over the stupidiest things at times and just cant stop myself but think that the time spent away at the weekend did wonders for me also just reading all your diary's has kept me motivated so thank you guys your a great help looking forward to seeing the scales monday even if its a lb off im going to be happy its another lb thats going to be gone forever :)
Hope everyone has a great day i'm off to have a read off my new slimming mag before i head and pick my littleun up :) xx
Thats the spirit all those 1lbs add up and eventually they become half a stone, a stone etc.. It's a steady loss that counts, as long as the numbers keep going down be happy.
Hi all

Well what a exciting day i have had :) unexpectedly went and looked at a cottage to rent :) and oh dear fell in love with :D:D:D At the moment and for the last 10+ yrs have lived in a 2 bedroom flat above a shop dont get me wrong when i moved here it was lovely but as the years have gone on the landlady has slacked on any work thats needed to be done and the noise from the kids at night in the high street is a really pain not to mention the damp problem in most rooms now and the fact that landlady was going to replace the windows 4 yrs ago and still hasnt got round to it the list is now endless but as i have been here so long the only good point is the rent hasnt gone up yes we have looked at many place online but the increase in the rent would be £200+ at the mere mention of moving (even when i have found a cheap place Hubbys first words are how much closely followed by we cant afford it no:cry::cry: Well this morning a friend of mine mention a place where she knows the landlord and said fancy a look i got the keys well being nosey i said yes and well as soon as i set foot in the place i fell in love it is just amazing :eek: OMG i could picture my boys placing in the garden with smiles on their faces we have just alittle courtyard with the washing line where we are now hence why we hardly spend anytime here. But the only catch is i would have to get moved in four weeks :eek::eek::eek::eek: mmmm that and telling hubby that yes we are moving yes it is more money but we would get some help towards it and at the end of the day i deal with all the finacial side of things at home so how do you know we cant afford it lol OMG just dont know where to start my place need sorting out but can i really do all this and talk hubby round in 4 weeks???ooo and tell landlady i so dont want to miss out on it its the first time i have ever fell in love with one and knew it was the home we so need hmmm will keep you updated on the status of it as i find things out lol

As for the diet its going find today im just so happy with what we could be getting that food is the last thing on my mind that and the fact i have one hell of a mountain of things to get sorted out ASAP think i shall be losing weight just from the pace of things happening

Am of to keep my fingers toes and everything crossed and just maybe this will work out
hope everyone has a great evening xx
That's brilliant MM... I really hope it works out for you... if you need a hand moving, we'll all help... all that packing, lifting and unpacking is bound to shift the calories!!

Keep us updated xx
oooh fantastic news, how exciting..hope it all works out for you :) keep us posted on latest news!

Hope your day goes well...possible excitement for house move will soon curb your appetite hee hee :)
Hi everyone first things first 4lbs gone forever woo hoo am so pleased :D havent really done any exercise but have made good food choices and even had a few bad so 4lbs is soooo much better then expected yay :)

Sorry i havent been about much i will catch up withall your diarys when i have some more time it seems to be on constant fast forward in my house at the moment.

Update on the cottage
Well by the end of thursday hubby had said YES :eek::eek::eek: i know was not what i was expecting at all but was soooo pleased, Took my mum to look at it on friday and got the keys :eek: so i could look when ever i wanted took hubby and kids to look and hubby fell in love with it to :D oldest was far from impressed burst in to tears as soonas i mention we might be moving :( but i know its a shock for him he's only ever known this place and i spose is scared pointy out its only 5 mins up the road and look at the garden and size of the place. So by friday night had exchanged emails and the place was ours to move into as soon as we could :D. Got up saturday and decided that first things first need to go and clean the new place so we could then start slowly packing and moving things as and when (i know dont hold back get to it ASAP) well the weather was shocking totally peeing it down got to the new place and discovered the lounge had a not so nice giant puddle :cry::cry::cry: well wasnt pleased and then dad came and had a look and said before i move in need to get all the electrics looked at as some seem abit confused shall we say by the end of the afternoon me and hubby both agreed we cant go any where until the work is done on the roof and electrics, decor and things we can do but big things like this we cant :cry:emailed the man and said sorry but there's noway i can uproot the boys until the work is done and couldnt see it being a 5min job. Anyways yesterday me and hubby went back, hubby thinks he knows someone that can sort the electrics and the roof if need be took a pen and paper and wrote down everything that needs doing to the place before realistically someone could move in, yes a long list was wrote but alot of it we dont mind doing ourselves if we can negociate (can spell) a reducution in the rent, Had a email to say the roof would be fixed by the end of this week and the doors would locked properly in the upstairs room (they open out on to the most amazing view)
Conclusion gutted but oh soooooo still want it but not sure if the man can wait a few weeks till the jobs are done, i dont want to hand my notice in till they are and that might just mean we miss out on it :cry: fingers crossed things will get sorted as me and hubby sooooo want to move but things just need to be sorted out first so a case of waiting and seeing what happens this week fingers crossed that it all works out in the long run but know i have to just think positive for the time being i havent given up hope yet :rolleyes: also we havent stopped making plans for it either not sure if this is a good thing or not as dont want to get hopes up to high just for them to get pulled down again ho hum let the waiting begin lol.

Hope everyones ok i promise to catch up with you all soon am off to finish sorting the boys bedroom :) xxx
Hi MM...

Firstly 4lb is a great loss... be really proud of yourself ;)

I'm really pleased hubby said yes to cottage... hopefully the little problems will work themselves out :)

Keep up the excellent work... roll on sexy Christmas party dress shopping!!!
well done on your weightloss so far! where abouts in essex are you, im in essex too. i have about 80lbs to lose. i started off at 19st, lost 2st while pregnant with my 4th child and am now about 15st11. want to start my own diary but need 50 posts lol
Well done on the 4lb off forever...yeeehaaa :)

Aww, i hope everything works out with the cottage, i'm a great believer in fate, what will be, will be..so if the cottage is the home of your dreams...good things come to those who wait :)
good luck, i look forward to the next update MM!
Morning all

Firstly sorry for not being able to get on here that often at the mo its been a hectic week of end of year plays at school (lots of tears), way to much humming and arring and thinking :rolleyes: has had to be done to but think we have finally decided whats happening cue long pause.......

WE ARE MOVING :D:eek::confused::) lol
So at the start of the week due to the leak and things we decided that we would stay put, but then spoke to the owner and sorting some of the things out the roof has been fixed and new ceiling is now getting put up, the boiler is getting checked out fingers crossed no probs there and then the electrics are getting looked over in the next few days fingers doubled crossed that there is nothing wrong with them as this is the only thing that would stop us going now :eek:
The main thing that changed our minds was the other night we had just got in from our sons play spose we had been in 30mins and heard a noise down the alley way (current landlady has not had the gates fixed and they have been broken over a year have got to the point where it just isnt worth mentioning it any more) looked out the window and there was a group of teens doing drugs up there :eek::eek: needless to say i lost it had a major go at them and told them where to go once they had gone prompty burst into tears and told hubby i cant bear it here anymore hubby said he thinks we should just move and if things dont work out at the cottage we can always move again (am sooooo hoping that it works out cant bear the thought of this move let alone having to do it again)
So thats us moving just waiting to hear that the boiler and the electrics are alright before i tell my landlady which im not really looking forward to doing but at the end of the day if she had sorted the damp out, the windows (been waiting 4yrs + even moved out for a week so they could get done and came back and they where the same!) the gates etc etc it probemly wouldnt have come to this but after 10yrs i just cant put up with the nights here and my kids deserve better if we had come home 30 minutes later we all would have walked in on them doing drugs just thankful we didnt.

So we are moving and i feel sick :sigh: its not illness its a mixture of OMG look at this place and how much I have got to do, Omg im finally moving and then just deep down im scared I sooo want to move but my head keeps coming up with what if's arghhhhh i truley believe that its just nerves and things we work out find money wise we are going to be in the same boat as we are now with maybe a few extras nothing to bad its just all very scary and exciting its just to easy to bury my head in the sand and block everything out that i need to get it out of there and just crack on lol

Today im chilling abit as its the first day of the summer hols, going to do some tidying up of the lounge and bathroom then take the car for its MOT again fingers crossed for that to lol should all be fine :)

As for the losing weight havent done nothing special this week except stress slightly more then normal but with everything thats going on im hoping for just a loss on monday anything will make me happy and with all the cleaning and packing thats to be done in the next few weeks im sure i will come out on top :D

Keep up the great work everyone i will try and catch upwith you all later but if not just remember im with you in this journey even if im not here everyday xxx
Poor you Muppet, you have a lot to deal with right now. Moving is such a lot of hassle, but in your case it sounds essential. Hope all goes well and the stress starts to melt a little for you.
Well done on making that final decision MM....you will be so busy and super stressed in the coming days, but one day at a time, and don't overdo it, then it will be so worth it!

I wouldn't worry about telling your present landlady, you are wanting a better home and life for the family, and you are making the right steps in doing it.

You will be melting before our very eyes with all the 'to do' lists....pop back on when you get a spare 5 mins :eek: and good luck!

Think of it as exciting, rather than daunting :)
MM that's great that you're making the move... will be so exciting to have a lovely garden for your kiddies...

Just think, if we get snow this winter, you'll be fit enough to enjoy running around throwing snowballs ;)
this weeks weigh in STS I'm pleased with that well done everyone that had a loss :)

Well move in date is the 20th August :D spent the weekend packing the boys room to within a inch or its life lol OMG the amount of boxes is unbelievable :eek: the next task is slowly sorting out the loft :cry::cry::cry: its the worst part to sort out after the boys room lol lkast night we did 5 boxes and it took ages dueto the boxes being mostly my old photos and letters and childhood memories :D took forever as we were having such a good time looking though it all managed to condense all 5 boxes into 3 huge binbags to dump half a box of old paperwork (the first of many i think i have kepted every bill and letter since i moved out of home 16yrs ago ekkk) and 1 box to keep not to bad until you look in the loft and realise that there is like a hundred boxes to go and no im not exagerating :rolleyes:
Cant remember all the people i have to inform that we are moving as its just been so long i have sorted out for the internet and phone to be connected though so thats 1 thing done lol most important 1 aswell :)

Keep up the great work everyone see ya soon xx