140lbs+ to lose - walking it off!


Sorry you've been feeling a bit rubbish. Hopefully the Dr can get down to whatever's going on to make your period late. Either that or it turns up very, very soon for you

You've got the right mind frame that this is about your health and not the numbers on the scale xxx
S What you've said above is so perfect. It should be about being healthy and happy not the number on the scales. Hope period arrives (even though thats never a good thing!) & you feel much better x

Absolutely hun, this is about health - so let's hope totm arrives and you get some relief xxx
sorry your feeling a bit rubbish love big hugs :family2::family2:from your wemitt family x x
Thanks for the support folks! Sure enough I've stayed the same this week - but that's fine because I was showing a gain at one point. Still no monthly, still feel bloaty, but still plodding onwards. Onwards and downwards, tallyhoe!
you will see a loss next week hun x x
Hi hun
Sending hugs
Sorry not been around much xxx
welcome here and yes you're doing great!

It's not an easier journey. but the pay off seeing everyone's face makes it all worth it. The smiles and grins. Those that love you, and those that don't. Will see you as a powerful person who has the ability to transform.

I totally agree, it already has been so worth it and nothing will stop me from continuing! :)
aww est bless you x x
Plodding on over here folks! Still no sign of TOTM, but the symptoms have died down a little bit. Oh well, c'est la vie. 3lbs down this week means only 2 to go to lose 4stone. It would be nice to hit that next weekend because it's my 4month healthaversary, but after last week I know anything could happen!

I'm going out for a bite to eat and a walk along the beach now. Take care everyone x
Hormones can be so temperamental!! Glad to see the lbs are still dropping off though. Hitting 4 stone is a massive achievement, fingers crossed you get there next week xxxx
well done esse on your loss that 4 stone will be yours x x x
Thanks ladies xx :)
Well done on your loss this week, and overall. You're doing fantastic :) Fingers crossed for your 4stone next week, I am sure you can do it xx
Well done on your loss! Just wanted to pop in and say hi as your diary motivated me to start the couch25k app. I'm on week 5 now and loving it - so thank you! Xx
Thanks for the messages of support :)

I am just re-doing week 5 of c25k actually! I let it slip for a week so needed to re-trace my progress. Are you enjoying it? Is enjoying the right word?! Surviving is probably a better way to put it!


Sound the alarms, everyone stop what you are doing and crack open the champers because Mrs Moon has arrived! Lordamercy, never has there been a period so eagerly awaited in the history of Menstruation. How am I going to go through the menopause, people?? I'm a wreck. Literally, I have done my own head in over this sodding period. I've been massaging my pressure points, doing inverted yoga postures (nearly suffocated myself with my boobs), eating spinach like a Popeye tribute act, you name it I've done it. I've got a million tabs open on my laptop relating to periods (turns out missing a period could mean you're about to grow a second head, who knew Tumblr was such a fountain of medical knowledge and advice??). If an alien chose my house to observe Humanity this past month they will have been most confused. Anywho, I'm not quite sure where this leaves my cycle now, time will tell with that one, but if it happens again next month I PROMISE you all that I won't make quite such a ridiculous issue out of it as I have this time. One does need to rein oneself in, i'm aware of that.

Weight loss/health wise everything else is going ok. Determined to lose this 2lb this week despite the arrival of you know what. Off to walk for a couple of miles, purchase a new baby gift (best kind of gift purchasing in my humble opinion) and that's about it. Hope you're all having a good day and giving those temptations a swift kick in the arse, like the weight loss ninjas you all are xxx
Fantastic news that your period has arrived. I bet that's a huge weight off your shoulders.

Well done on your loss this week, fingers crossed for next week and your 4 stone award :D