159 days ended....the journey goes on

are said:
Paul don't give up.
Do you have a smart phone? Download myfitnesspal and keep track what you eating.
You can do it on the computer too!
Also! I believe 1200kcal are way under your needs!
My needs are 1500kcal (bmr) i am 5`5 female and i am loosing. More then i did on 1200kcal!
You shouldn't be afraid of food or calories!!! I know its easy to say...but i am in the same boat every day i am worried i am over eating. I have to learn yo relax a bit.
If you eat under your needs your way more likely to binge, what will make you feel bad and more likely to give up.
Pls Paul check on an bmr calculater what your resting calories intake should be!

Well put Are. I think many of us fear increased calories but thats exactly what we need to stop us from plateauing.

MFP is great, I love it but don't use it often enough. We can all do this Paul. X

Try to log everything for a week...its a bit a pain...but hey.. After that week you can sit down and look at your eating habbits, what you might do well or were you could improve on.
Thank you Faith :)

Well some good news. Maybe I shouldn't have weighed myself yesterday after having a full on binge day on Tuesday. After a day of eating within my calories yesterday, I weighed myself today as it is my official weigh in day and I am 14st, the same as last week. Now if that ain't a spur of motivation for me I don't know what is :p
Wtg Paul!!! :)

Thank you, think my body just doesn't want to let go of the 14's :p. Night out on Saturday, nights out always seem to be my downfall. Not so much the night but hangover food the days after haha
Really going well the past 3 days. Loving MyFitnessPal,really given me motivation and shocks sometimes when I realised how many calories or fat is in particular stuff.

Night out tomorrow though, so won't be calorie counting then but somehow ended up 1216 calories overall under my targets over the past few days. Not much of a problem though as this app. has got me eating well plus filling me up and most of those calorie were due to a very low calorie day on Wednesday.

So all's going well, not worried about tomorrow's calories as if I include those 1216 calories I have been under this week I technically have 2516 calories :p. Excited about this journey again....finally caught that wagon that was drifting off in the distance :)
Loving to hear that Paul! Don't give up... We all have bad weeks...we all don't lose always but we will get there. Hard rocky road but it will pay off. And on the way we learn and can do it next time better!
Hope you having a good night out! Xxx
First of all sorry guys, fell of the wagon and then the wagon even broke down haha :/

This is depressing to look at, but in a way motivational to show I could do it at one point. Gutted.... absolutely gutted when I imagine where I could be now :(. I had grown to love those weekly weigh-ins on a Thursday. Felt happy in myself, enjoyed the food I was eating too.

May sound silly but i'm not used to dealing with loss and when my dog died I turned to my favourite comfort FOOD. My Great Aunt passed away on Friday also, but she was 85 and in a lot of pain, so I am pleased she is in a better place now out of pain. Back at uni and struggling getting used to living a independent life :p. Currently have not got a ounce of food in my flat, so when I looked at the scales in the bathroom just now (which I brought with me in the hope I would get back on the wagon :p ) I thought there ain't no time like the present.

Not weighed myself since my last weigh-in but don't feel good at all, would hazard a guess I have hit the dreaded 15 stone mark. Will weigh in tomorrow and find out, anything less will be a small accomplishment.

Ten weeks till Xmas, so obviously not gonna reach my original target haha. But gonna have two targets,

1) To get back down to 14 stone which I was before I completely give up
2) To lose 25lbs before xmas (so 2lb one week, 3lb the next and so on)

Thinking positively about this, even though it feels like that 12lb lost has been wasted, I just thought this. Looking on the brightside if I had not lost the original stone then I would possibly be looking at near 16st now :eek:

All your support on here was invaluable and I hope to give yous all a happy ending...eventually. I will check in in tomorrow morning/afternoon to tell you all the damage :p
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Paul...its great to have u back...well u fell off BUT you are back! That's important!! Sorry about your loss! Hope you are ok.. X
Well the damage is 7lbs. Now weigh 14stone 7lbs. Tbf I thought it was gonna be more then that. 5lb head start on my last journey is how I am going to look at it :p

Aim to lose 3lbs this week, will be a 8 day week though as I like weighing in on Thursdays :)
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Just remembered why I loved eating healthy again. Just had mushroom and prawn stir fry and boiled potatoes with with chilli king prawns on the side. Beats any greasy takeaway hands down.

Got the green tea on the go again too. Feels good to be back :D
The hardest part of falling off is not the bump when you hit the ground but the climbing back on, but you've done it!

You CAN and WILL do it!

Here to follow, good luck on your journey
Cheers guys.

2nd day and no glitches at all. Having a grilled chicken Caesar salad for tea, really looking forward too it. :)