Sweet as pie
Silver Member
I seem to be stuck in this stone brack for ages, hopefully in the next three weeks will be out of here
2lb off this week down to 15.7 now
Gud luck Sarah and congratulations on ur baby. I'm trying to get to about 12 stone so can hopefully try for baby #2. With my first I ended up with gestational diabetes and high bp. So hoping if I can start off lighter this time it may help to keep these things under control. My son is 2 in November so wud like to start trying again at the start of 2015. Xx
Good luck for WI Sarahlou Dxxx
ThanksIt took us nearly two years to get pregnant as I have PCOS & endometriosis so only got pregnant after mild intervention. Then I also got GD and was fainting all the way through my pregnancy and ended up on Metformin and insulin. We're hoping to ttc number two from June next year as Cole will be 18 months and I'll be 34. Want to get down to 11.6 to try and prevent GD this time, although with my PCOS and family history of diabetes I've got a high chance of getting it again. Good luck with your weight loss too
Wow can't believe how similar we are? I too have endometriosis. I've had two operations to have it removed? I too was on metformin and insulin for GD? I turn 34 in September and my son Ethan is 2 in November. I would really like to start trying the start of next year but I no I don't want to be 15stone 4 which I was when I got pregnant with Ethan. X
Well gud luck. You seem very motivated. Like me you know how hard it is being bigger and pregnant. It's defo not fun when diabetes develops. Best of luck x