16st to 10st 4!

Wow!! You look fabulous, congratulations on your amazing weight loss. Hope you had a fantastic holiday :)
You look fantastic, well done x:happy096:
Thought I'd update as I've just been on holiday and have also lost another 6lbs so this is me at 9st 12lbs



wow you have given me inspiration
do you have any food diaries on here and any tips?
Im just restarting sw going it alone though this time ... cannot see your pics yet but sounds like you have done amazing:D
CANT WAIT until I can post my before and after photos!!
I haven't got any food diaries but I mainly do EE days with green when my weight loss slows. The key for me this time of dieting is to not stress over having naughty foods. When I've dieted before if I have a blow out day I would think sod it and carry on. This time I enjoy my blow out day but then get right back on it the next day. Also my main inspiration for losing weight in the first place was my daughter starting school. Now my inspiration to carry on and start maintaining is that now I feel like I 'fit in' in the playground so there's no way I'm getting fat again and standing out!! Also the compliments are quite nice too :)
My advice is to stick at it. SW really does work. This site has been invaluable for recipe ideas etc. You can do it!!!
well done you...u look great...

but tbh...u look great in ALL the pics...before...during and after

great job!
As I've finished the weight loss part of my journey, I thought I'd add a before and after. At my heaviest (16st) on left and at target (9st9.5) on right. Now to start the hard maintaining part.....

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Can't wait to see the before and after pics for some inspiration!! I havn't got many posts yet as a newbie to the site but I am so chuffed for you to have achieved target, like so many others that have too! You were sitting where we are at one point, longing to be that person who screeches I did it!!! :) and now you can!
I will get there one day and when that days comes I think everyone will know about it!! :giggle:xx

Thought I'd update this thread. I have called final target at 9st 2lbs and am currently 8st 13lbs. This is me winning my groups Woman of the Year today. Next stop is the district finals!!