Thanks hon. I think im happiest with that one.
I wore the goldie one to a wedding in Portugal a few years ago but I think id be pulling at front of it to cover my boobs all day.
Cream one with green flowers I bought last year but never wore but again a bit tight on boobs-think they look unflatteringly big
And coral one-not a great picture but picked it up last week in Tesco actually. but happy to just wear it to pub etc so wont go to waste.
Multicoloured one I wore to weddings 5 years ago!!! I never throw anything out!But delighted I got back into it-I was at my goal 5 years ago!
Brona I love love love the coral one... Defo my fav
Ohh I love them all. Think the third picture is my favourite.
And yip chips and salad for dinner
YeyWe agreed
Are u at that same goal weight now? X
No I'm a good 8lbs heavier but think it fit exceptionally well the first time. Wore it to another wedding 6months later and remember it was quite a bit tighter. I had started putting on weight by then. X
Hi - here to subscribe & have a nosey at those pics of you looking gorg in your dressesI agree with you, the strapless multi colour, the coral looks lovely too - half my wardrobe is coral! I haven't scrolled far enough back, are you going to a wedding??
Hey hon,
Thanks for the compliment hon. Ya I love them all but in this heat I just don't wana be uncomfortable.
Ya have a wedding on Saturday. A friend from college. Really looking forward to it. But as I said above-her friends, who I met at her hen, are absolutely fabulous girls but uber glamorous. So wana pull out the stops!x
Are u hoping to lose that 8lbs this time? X
Hey hon,
Thanks for the compliment hon. Ya I love them all but in this heat I just don't wana be uncomfortable.
Ya have a wedding on Saturday. A friend from college. Really looking forward to it. But as I said above-her friends, who I met at her hen, are absolutely fabulous girls but uber glamorous. So wana pull out the stops!x
Ya I actually have more to loose. I was 9st 11 I think back In April before I put good bit back on during may and when I was at class the leader said my goal of 9st 4 from last time shud be at least 9st 2. But to be honest I'll just keep goin til I feel happy with myself again.
And my mam the last time said I'd lost enough but wasn't too thin so no fear of goin overboard with this-she'll always tell me the truth.x
You will be pulling out the stops with that dress - it & you look gorgeous x
It's good that your Mam will give u an honest opinion, I could be 5 Stone and mine would probably think I'm still porky :-( x
Aw no.Well you'll get an honest opinion from us sweetie. And I'll tell you now you look amazing!
I love all the dresses. I love the coral one too
Wish I could wear dresses, too many lumps and bumps tho at the moyou look fab in them, lovely figure.
Hey hun,
I love the first one and the third one. They are fab. Your clothes are gorg. well jel