Gold Member
God your a busy lady! Say ya can't wait for your day off its well deserved at this stage you must be recked! Lol on the unopened jar but its well worth it I love Nutella it reminds me of when I was small I used to eat it outa the jar! Oh the good oul days when you were a child and didnt know what the word calorie ment..... Oh to be back there again
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Hehe.... ya... i really didnt care what i ate and it seemed my body didnt care either. Never appreciated how skinny i was!
CAn't wait for days off. Even hoping being off after 10am tomoro mite set me right again. Sort out few bits for wedding Friday etc.
Found better way to use my points-tayto mighty munch! Yum! only 4pp!!! Less that tayto salt & vinegar i ahd the other nite! Score!!!