Oh didn't wait long enough to make tea!
We're heading to Courtmacsherry. It's where my mam grew up. Coastal village.
There's a festival on there this week but it didn't suit my brother to go this week so we waited til next week.
But my mam said the other nite that as part of 'the gathering' they're doin a lot in celebrating the past village. Over the May bank holiday they put up lists of old occupants of houses outside the buildings. Was lovely to see all my gran uncle/aunts names there. None of my mams family are alive so it was nice to see them in print.
But this Wednesday they are doin a celebration of the person who contributed most to the village over the years. AND.... my grandfather is being honoured with it!

So as my grandparents are deceased and my mam is an only child, she'd gona be presented with some sort of award thing.
So I was supposed to go out up here Wednesday nite and go home Thurs, but to be honest im not fussed, plus i'd love to be there for that.