Gold Member
I always think it takes a week or so after a haircut to feel comfortable with it, plus washing & styling it yourself!
I always think it takes a week or so after a haircut to feel comfortable with it, plus washing & styling it yourself!
I think it looks fab BronaMost drastic I did was cut a fringe in x
Love the hair defo think you just need to get used to it yourself. Its gorg really suits your face
Glad work isnt too stressful for you tonight
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Aw but you're stunning the way you are.x
Thanks hon. Just takes a while alrite. Ive wanted it for ages so at the very least im glad ive done it.
To be honest i think its the colour rather than cut. Its the same colour ive been getting which i love but think the cut needs a darker shade. But not paying to get it done again so ill have to wait.
Well im now on minimins instead of paperwork-so not too bad...x
Hehe... You'd be made for that job.I on the other hand am just procrastinating and stalking everyones page.
To be fair im more active in the morning anyway and would get 10times more done in morning than i wud now so bare minimum tonite and the rest will wait.x
You're hired!!!!!xx
Ok so ive been doing some googling on my recent stomach issues and TMI alert - serious smelly gas issues.
This is only been really since the weddings last coupld weeks. Im not saying its never been this bad ever before but i thought it would ahve cleared up with regular healthy eating but it not even funny anymore.
SO ya (as Serena said earlier) its likely that the dairy isnt helping, even if its not a hge cause.
So they recommend coming off all dairy for a few days but having a carton of yogurt with live cultures for few days instead to restore the bacteria balance in my gut. So im gona give it a go.....
Thats my pleasant thought for 10.30pm on a Sunday nite.x
Haha.... i could probably power my own power station!
I know you said it in relation to chocolate earlier but i am supposed to cut out every thing with dairy i it ya? Like choc? x
Personally I think exclusion diets are tricky as you can develop a weakness/intolerance by not having them at all.x
Yay just the information I wanted to hear on a Sunday night after an unexpected bottle of vino lol
Sometimes too much veg can do that as well. ........ I have a rudie spray in work for times like this
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Oh i know. I wont be doing it for long. It just recommended that maybe my gut wasnt getting rid of bile properly and the dairy wudnt help is all. So onyl for few days. And not being that strict. Will reintroduce again before weekend.x
Ya, i tried it before. When my IBS flared up first few years ago. Didnt mind the soya milk or soya yogurts etc. Still eat the alpro puds cos i prefer them.
But no-just to try and clear out what evers wrong. It does feel like somethings not right-not seriously, but just not normal. Even for me and my stomach issues. Id imagine ive just p**sed off my body with all the bad food and alot of alcohol. Feel a bit bunged up aswel. My poor body-it hates me right now.x