Hey guys,
So the reason I havnt been here and not in great frame of mind is that one of my service users at work was very very ill. Unfortunately he passed away this morning. I've worked with him for the 5.5 years I've been in newbridge. We've all been really thrown by it all. His family obviously have the monopoly on grief but we still spent so much time with him and helped him through previous bouts of illness. Its a sad day but it really is a happy day for him as he was so sick in the end. The next few days won't be easy either so I'm gona get through them as best I can and I'll see how I feel after that. xxx
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Oh hunnie so sorry to hear that... Big hugs to you xxxx
Oh brona I'm so sorry to hear such sad news. I hope u will be ok. Thinking of you xxx
Sorry to hear that terrible news just try and get through the few days as best you can x
Oh god brona im really sorry to hear such sad news. At least he isn't in pain anymore. Hope your ok huni and if you need a chat we are always here for you xXx
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Hey Brona, I'm so sorry to read your sad news, today your service user goes to a place where he is no longer in pain and for that we must be thankful. I hope that his family cope ok at this difficult time. Sending you gentle love and hugs. X
Aww Bróna I'm so sorry to hear about your service user. Look after yourself!! Sending hugs xx
Thanks so much guys. You're all so sweet and kind. Its been a tough day. Popped into work to be there for the guys that had to work today. Rosary tomoro nite and then burial Thurs. Seems so surreal. We said goodbye to him last Monday but he held on. But you're right-he's in a happy place with no pain living the life he should have had.
Thanks so much all. xxx
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I will say a little prayer for you tonight to see you through tomorrow and Thursday. Thinking of you all. X
Aw guys I feel like a heifer. I've put on so much weight.
I'm gona get through today and back on track first thing tomoro morn....
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Brona, really sorry to hear your news, how sad for you his family & all those that lived & worked with him....thinking of you. Hope the adjustment for the other guys isn't so tough & work are allowing you all to grieve & being supportive x
Diet can wait Brona, be selfish and think about you and your emotions for once. X
Hey Brona! It's good to see you back SweetieLOVE LOVE LOVE that dress on you, the style, the colour, wow! It sounds as though you have a good plan for the week ahead, are you rejoining the Friday WI Crew ;-) x
Thanks Honey
I feel good-nice to have something positive to focus on. I'm rejoinIng Fri WI crew. And I'm home 3/4 Fri morns in next rota so I know it's same scales etc.
Since last nite I now have two lunches this week with friends-Tue and Thurs. But I need to find out where I'm goin Tue and suss out menus. And I know where I'm goin Thurs-just need to refresh my memory on their menu. Will keep few extra weeklies for them but hoping to just be good. Especially Thurs-we meet up regularly-diet coke and black coffee with no dessert after is normal. Tuesday may be different.
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That's my girl ;-) I love to look at the Menu before I go so I'm not tempted to stray! The Friday Crew missed you ;-) x
Friday-day one
Turkey rashers, brown sauce - 2
Omelette-egg, egg whites, mushrooms, spring onion, tomato, bacon, cheese, coleslaw - 7
Bacon, brown sauce - 1
Pork chops-1.5, homemade stuffing, roast carrots, mushrooms, onion, garlic, mashed turnip, potato with scrape butter, gravy - 11
Low fat custard - 2 - nothing else at work
Milky way-funsize - 2
Marshmallow off tea cake - 1
Total dailies used - 26/28
No weeklies used - 49 left
APs earned - 2
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Ya gona have a goggle there now when the lads are up.
I missed ye too. x
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