Gold Member
You'll have to fill that in on your customer satisfaction survey ;-) x
I would but my sisters humour can be touch and go....
Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
You'll have to fill that in on your customer satisfaction survey ;-) x
I would but my sisters humour can be touch and go....x Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Maybe just leave her a box of chocs to say thanks instead! X
So first day of my course done. Really good course and not as worried now that day one is over.But my God the food!! What a week for me to being good (as my mam said). Tea and coffee on arrival. Tea and coffee and fresh scones, butter and jam at 10.30. I had half a scone, plain!!!
Then at lunch had free meal of anything in the pub. Carvery, salads, wraps, sandwiches!!!! I had salad!
Then tea and coffee and biscuits at 3pm! I had tea and a banana id brought! Then stuck im traffic on way home I ate 2 x mandarins and a banana which stopped me from picking while waiting for dinner! Feel really good!
Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Go you for having a plain scone, I'd never be able to resist cream and jam! Go you (again) for having a salad, was it still tasty? Lots of fruit too, what a good day Brona, go you! X
Well done on the food front Brona I would have went for all the wrong things lol glad the first day of course went well x
I thought I was gona be deprived aswel but it was yummy and warm so I didn't mind at all. Have it worked into my plan for rest of week!Salad was really nice. A good few had one and they all said it was lovely. Really fresh!
x Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Least u wasn't the odd one out! Any Yey for the plan ;-) Especially as it now has scones in! X
Yep its a good looking week ahead. Happily have a salad for lunch if I get 1/2 scone for brunch!I was pointing 1/2 as 7pp. You think thats safe. It was fairly big. They seem to be 12/13 via Google.... x Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Yummy day xx
Personally I think 7 for a half is pretty high, more likely 5 for a half? Although maybe count it as 7 to be on the safe side? It's so hard when you eat out isn't it! Hope u have a good second day on your course. X
Thanks hon.x Ya its really hard. They were fairly decent size so wanted to be safe that sorry. Here in my car-over an hour early for course!-studying!
x Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Oh my God. I just walloped myself in mouth with kitchen press. Lip swollen. Gum bleeding! Owwww!!!Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app
Oh No! Do you look like someone thumped u in the mouth? Hope you're ok Brona. X
Ok so I was starving today. Think my blood sugars were low so I had whole scone and butter and jam and had sandwich for lunch and was so close to just throwing the day away and getting jellies in shop after work. So glad I didn't now cos I pointed it up as honestly as I could and its fine. Ive used my weeklies to cover it.Staying in my sisters tonight aswel so tv and minimins for night I think. I should study but...... :/ Going home tomorrow night for pilates so going to weigh in on Thursday morning instead of Friday as ill be staying here in Dublin Thursday again so won't be home Friday to do it. Doesn't really matter as I didn't weigh in last week anyway-raging now cos ive done so well!
The idea is that I wont reset points until Friday morn anyway and have my new weeklies then for the week. Nephews Christening on Saturday so not gona be easy to stay good but its a salad buffet we're doing in my parents house after so I should be able to stay good. Keep extra points for wine and a little cake!!
Ya I kinda do! Just hope it doesn't bruise! Ironic cos my course is on how to deal with outbursts from service users with challenging behaviour-they're gona think I took my studying seriously!!!x