Morning campers, So in order for me to say what I weighed in this week, I have to cough up to what I weighed in last week which I didn't wana tell.... 2 weeks ago I weighed in at 11st 0.5lbs Last week I weighed in at 11st 4.5lbs!! I couldn't believe it. I now I had a lot to drink at the christening but I didn't think I ate that badly. In hindsight I think a lot of it might have been bloating from dehydration (from the alcohol)....

This morning I weighed in at 11st even!! So 4.5lbs off since last week and even better than my 1st week.... Obviously its a pity I didn't get under the 11 seeing as how I hated being over 11 again but hey ho.... This week obviously will be a little out of my control. I'm gona give into the alcohol and try and eat as well as I can. I can pull it back mon-thurs next week. I know I should just hope for a sts next week but I really would like 0.5lb off as then id be under 11st!

Anyway, I'm delighted.... Have a good day peeps. xx