Yeah in Athy full time now. I love being married, dunno why it feels different it just does. Feel a lot closer to Matt. Just on a bit of a downer now since wedding and honeymoon over and I'm back at work.. everything about the wedding and honeymoon was amazing. Loved it![]()
Ohhhh.. well I love London.... maybe ill have to squeeze in a trip over there. Could use my brother as an excuse but we're up for dinner!![]()
Come to Devon![]()
Whereabouts in London does he live Sweetie? X
Road Trip Road Trip! X
He lives in Leyton... E10... Never stayed with him (he's my baby brother-doesn't really do the entertaining family thing yet!-too cool). He's an investment banker or something...
I used to go over to my sister a lot when she lived in London - she used to live near Farringdon / Barbican. Used to go over to her on a Thursday night and spend Friday around London on my own while she worked. Used to love walking around on my own, stopping for coffee and lunch and a beer, popping in and out of shops. Then spend sat and sun with her.She moved to Manchester last year with work. Have gone over twice. She loves it there and its a great city but its no London.
I love Manchester! One of my Besties moved up there last year and I try to get up there as much as I can, find the people much more friendly than London, it's just a bit colder lol x
So Serena, you've made me have a look back on my weight loss due to questions of loss and photos etc.
When I was 9st 7 back at end of March this year, it was the closest ive come to goal since that time 5 years ago!
I started 5 years ago at 10st 9.5.
At my worse (since then) I hit 11st 5.5!
Oh well,,, really hope I can stick with it this time.
Wierd day today. IBS really bad last nite and then didn't sleep great. So woke up tired.
But then at work this morning I found myself being really angry. Like really really really cross. But at nothing! As I said-wierd!
I've calmed now which is good....
Now I'm just hungry and Have already eaten dinner. Have loads of weeklies left but don't wana eat too much nite before WI either....
Just I bit moany today. I'll get over it.![]()
So WI this morning. .5lb down to 10st 0.5.
Im gutted. So much hard work this week and was so focused.
Ill take it-its a loss after all, but figure my IBS playing up all week can't have helped-dehydrated, and TOTM started last night.
I could have done with some motivation to keep me going this week but ill try to keep soldiering on.
Have a good Friday people.
So WI this morning. .5lb down to 10st 0.5.
Im gutted. So much hard work this week and was so focused.
Ill take it-its a loss after all, but figure my IBS playing up all week can't have helped-dehydrated, and TOTM started last night.
I could have done with some motivation to keep me going this week but ill try to keep soldiering on.
Have a good Friday people.
A loss is a loss Brona, maybe WI again in a few days when your IBS has settled down and see what scales say then.
IBS is a pain and if you remember when mine was playing up I had 2 0.5lb losses so don't be hard on yourself, a loss is a loss and u should still be very proud of yourself. Hope Friday isn't too bad for you. X
Wait till your body settles down and you'll get your true loss. 1/2lb isn't too bad...if you think how much 1/2lb of mince is!
Have a good day xx