I only bought my house 18months ago. Its a 1940s house and I'd say the garden hasn't been planted or taken care of since 1940! No fences either, just very wild over grown shrubs on either side.
Loads of old concrete from old sheds inbetween the nettles aswel.
So I've gotten a quote to get concrete up and out, garden turned over, top soil in, shrubs out and fences put up. But even though I'm a semi detached I don't have side access cos garage at side goes to edge of property. So have to get access thru my neighbours. But house was up for sale so was waiting for new people to arrive to ask permission.
So hopefully soon... costing a bit but it's the biggest thing that needs to be done. And as I said it feels like I may aswel be in an apartment when I have nowhere to sit out.