Haha I've just realised what thread this is!!! Obviously you have a bit to lose as ur in this thread. We must have a similar amount!!!!
I've lost another 2 lbs this week! Making it a total of 3 stones and 2 lbs!
Aww sorry to hear you and DH been going through it. Lovely to see you back, Jane.![]()
JaneB said:Well done Roziee on your loss, not been on forum for a few days hubbys not been too good, he slipped and in alot of pain, side and back swollen thought we might had to go to hospital but hubby said no way, not slept had a good cry:cry:, still worried, the swelling started to go down slowly now, both of us feel a bit better today, so came on forum to see what I have missed and to have a chat, wi tomorrow.
Crumble sorry you sts, next week you will have a good loss.
Welcome all you new ladys
Jane x
Where there's a will..... said:What does dh stand for? I know it's husband but why the d?
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Hi Jane- how did he fall? You should really take him to the hospital if he's swollen just to make sure he's not fractured anything..
Hi Roziee, long story really, washing machine flooded the kitchen, I am trying to mop everything up, knocked the clock off the wall, dinner is cooking and boiling over, hubby then goes mad because the glass smashed in the clock and glass goes everywhere, not happy, after getting everything sorted hubby sorts the clock out and trys to put it back on the wall, stands on a step stool, which he shouldn't of, he's disabled, which he has not got his head round yet, thinks he can still do things, then slips off the stool, (he won't go back to the hospital because its where the opertion he had, went wrong, that made him disabled,) so he's been in bed since monday driving me mad with a swollen back and side, the side that he has muscle, tissue and nerve demage, but its calm down now so he's abit better, you would of thought it was friday the 13th lol, Sunday was a great day, bbq at my son's had a fastatic time, then this all happens on monday.
Thank you for asking Roziee.
Thank you for asking too, where there a willits nice to hear from you.
Jane x
Where there's a will..... said:Thanks Jane. Hope ur DH is better soon.
Well weighed in tonight and lost 4.5lbs so 19st 3lbs now. I'm amazed as missed weigh in last week so had two weeks off. Only been on plan since Monday this week (been naughty rest of time eeek!!!). I put it down to the super speed soup that I had mon and tues!!!
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Crumble said:where-there's - What a fab loss. Well done. :clap:
Whats the 'super speed' soup?
Roziee said:Well done! Not long till you're in the next zone.. Woo woo!
Crumble said:Thanks for the soup recipe, where-there's, will be adding that to my list of things to try. sounds lovely.![]()
Thank you
I found it on here somewhere. Its meant to speed up weight loss as its full of super speed foods. This is the recipe I use- I think there are a few different ones floating around!! Be warned it makes absolutely loads. I normally get approx six massive bowls out of it!!!
Super Speed Soup
1 can mixed bean salad
1 can green lentils
2 cans chopped tomatoes
1 can baked beans
Handful of split lentils
2 large leeks
1 large onion
4 medium carrots
2 parsnips
Green, red and yellow pepper
2 beef stock cubes (I use the knorr rich beef stock pots which make it taste really meaty).
Salt & pepper
Mixed herbs
Water (enough to cover all ingredients)
Chop all veg and put everything in pan, cover with water bring to boil and simmer until veg are soft.
Can be left chunky or blended.
Can be frozen
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Your welcome. Hope you like it. Let us know how you get on.
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