Loving Life with TeamRH
Food's looking tasty.... I do like a nice poached egg but you do have to be in the mood xx
Just managed to have half of my tuna pasta, met my friend for coffee and a girly chat in Starbucks so had a tall skinny latte, and have just realised that we're having chicken, bacon and veg risotto for tea, not good carb planning is it??!?!!
Oh boy can I tell I'm due on - I just want to eat a MASSSSSSSIVE bar of Chocolate! That must be why I wanted to eat the Giant buttons yesterday. Do i give in and get something, or try a Lemon tea and my apple and ignore it????
Hope you avoided the choc mrs! If you are going up have some make it dark choc! Tough lovexxxx
Will have to try and remember to have dark chocolate, I might see I I can find the box of mini Green &Blacks ones as they are little and good for cravings! X