Loving Life with TeamRH
Definetly a good idea to run down the freezer every now and then.... I should do that too 
We do it every now and again, we find things that we've forgotten! On Sunday we'll be having what we call a 'bag of mashings' day which basically means we could be eating anything!
There are some lovely things in the book so I'll lend it to you if you want a look Jess?
Haha we should too! In fact I might go through it tonight and chuck anything naughty or old!
Those tomatoes sound yum
.... say it ain't so Jess.... I don't want to be chucked out
HUMP day!!!!! :clap:
Wednesday's nibbles include:-
B - 35g M&S Fruit and Fibre museli
S - banana
L - W/meal halm salad pitta, bag of M&S Smokey bacon tubes - 95 Cal a bag
S - Cherries
T - H/Made balsamic and red onion steak burgers, a few oven chips and salad.
Thank you darling, I'm trying soo hard, and have now decided to........................ Join the gym on Monday, £29 per month and am planning to go to Legs, Bums and Tums on a thursday with the mother, and then x1 other class during the week at the one round the corner from me.
I'm on a mission now to shift some timber!:character00115: