Week two was the worst for me! Not the whole week (I don't want to frighten you) but it feels so long ago now I can't pinpoint exactly which days. I never had the initial slump in the beginning, headaches etc, instead I have a mad raving attack of the hunger pains in week 2. It's a distant memory now, though. A bit like childbirth, I guess: generally horrendous at the time, but in the next moment you've forgotten because you've gained something so special from the experience!
Getting to know the products and how they sit with you takes a bit of time. Ask your counsellor to swap if you've got ones that you don't like. Personally, I prefer "like" certain shakes and soups about equally. The lemon bars are my favourite product of all and the porridges make me want to kill myself. It took me about three weeks to figure this all out though. Some shakes I wouldn't touch with a ten-foot barge pole (butterscotch in particular, which I hate because I thought it would be like butterscotch Angel Delight and it's not :cry

, and others I sometimes even enjoy.
I'm sure you'll be able to lose a stone before your trip. Where are you off to?
Froggylegs, good luck with your appointment tomorrow. I hope all goes well!