1st day of CD!!!

Hi froffy jist read this I too suffer from depression since I as far back as I can remember have u found that this diet has made yr mood fluctuate morw thn usual xx
Jenboo, not really, i have found that on this diet my mood has lifted dramatically. I dont know if its because of what I am (or more probably am not) eating, i have a feeling its more because my weight was really really affecting my mood quite badly, i have been low for a good few months now so I think the improvement might be because I am finally doing something about it, I can finally see a future where I am back at my fitting weight. Was that the longest sentence in the world, lol?

Its an evil evil disease.
Its is I hate it ! I have founs since starting the diet my mood has gone way up and then way down. But I suppose that's a price i will pay for good body haha x
Froggylegs, I do suffer from intermittent depression. Mental illness runs in my family so I consider myself quite lucky just to have the extent that I do. The plus side of being surrounded by maniacs means that I can spot it in myself quite easily. I suppose I'm just so used to being a sponge for other people's madness that I tend to keep my feelings inside. It's not great, I know, but as all my friends live far away and we only ever get to talk through Skype, the phone etc, I never really want to start talking about how rubbish I feel. It feels too impersonal and I always feel like I'm encroaching on their time. That's a low self-esteem issue, I guess, and funnily enough I just saw my doctor about this the other week. This diet has given me the confidence to be more forward in my desires. As you say, I think it's because I'm finally making a change and this *thing* that I've hated about myself for so long is finally melting away.

Jenboo, you have my every sympathy. I'm sure you've probably got a great support network around you but I'm always here to talk, should you want to. xx
Blimey CB, quite similar here! My mum and one sister both have manic depression, my sister has been unstable with it for the last 3 years or so after a fair few stable years, its terrible seeing her suffer :( My other sister suffers from depression and has a personality disorder that eventually resulted in me cutting myself off from her about 18 months ago, she was hugely damaging me and the extreme anxiety even when I saw her name on an incoming text was just not worth putting up with.

Unfortunately we are having a family get together on August 6 th to celebrate my mum's 80th, I am dreading it!!

Apologies, I have gone completely off topic.

I am glad you are seeking help with your self esteem and confidence problems CB, it sounds as if your future is going to be far brighter than your past!
That may be a very explosive occasion, or maybe your mother and the sister with the personality disorder will have mellowed a bit by now. What do you think? Who could blame you for keeping your distance when you have that to contend with? In my case, it's my dad who is the bulk of the problem. He's done and said so many hurtful things to me throughout my life and there have been tens of occasions when I've said "that's it, I'm not speaking to him again" but whenever he calls me up and needs me to sort a problem for him I always answer my phone. I don't know if I'm a glutton for punishment or what, but I can't seem to say no. I know he loves me and is a good man beneath everything, and that it's the circumstances making him act out the way it does, which is why I'll always make time for him, even if sometimes that's not the best thing for me. There's very little parental guidance in my life. I seem to be the one doing the parenting! I'd just feel so guilty if I walked away. Maybe on some level I'd just feel completely useless to the world if he didn't need me.

But thanks for your kind words. I really hope that by this time next year everything will be better! :)
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