Froggylegs, I do suffer from intermittent depression. Mental illness runs in my family so I consider myself quite lucky just to have the extent that I do. The plus side of being surrounded by maniacs means that I can spot it in myself quite easily. I suppose I'm just so used to being a sponge for other people's madness that I tend to keep my feelings inside. It's not great, I know, but as all my friends live far away and we only ever get to talk through Skype, the phone etc, I never really want to start talking about how rubbish I feel. It feels too impersonal and I always feel like I'm encroaching on their time. That's a low self-esteem issue, I guess, and funnily enough I just saw my doctor about this the other week. This diet has given me the confidence to be more forward in my desires. As you say, I think it's because I'm finally making a change and this *thing* that I've hated about myself for so long is finally melting away.
Jenboo, you have my every sympathy. I'm sure you've probably got a great support network around you but I'm always here to talk, should you want to. xx