1st day

yeah tesco do sell them, sainsburys and morrisons too! Hope u manage to find them lol

Maybe we should re-name this forum slimfast/jelly addicts haha x
haha Jelly by nature but not by Jelly belly ( soon i hope lol), I'll be using my walk at lunch time to treck over to asda and get some..

The diet lemonate trick sounds bloomin lovely.. I think i know what i'll be doing this weekend ! ha
Haha it's gd that we all love jelly haha. I need to get some that you can make haven't seen the ones everyone is on about I will have a look about today :). I no my other half and little boy love jelly to so I'm going to be making some for all haha xxx
Im making my first lot this morning ladies, theres only me a jelly addict in my house so alll mine lol, im absoloutly rubbish at cooking and making things haha so i will let u know how it turns out! (you would think its impossible to ruin making jelly!!) But i have been known to sabatage a microwave meal!! xx
oooo good luck Stef!!!

i have to say girlies i tried the mango and passionfruit jelly last night and OMG it was sooooooo yummy!!!

We are def Jelly addicts!!! i dont have any left in the fridge and im getting slightly worried about that!!! need to get stocked back up on them!!!xxx
Haha i know, all went well, although im not a big fan of lemonade, gonna stick to just water next time :D x
Lol I love the lemonade but the other half isn't :( so we add just water :). Glad it went ok xxx
Yeah theres something about it i dont like, i think the taste of lemonade overpowers the jelly taste!

Oh nooo lol make sure u remember next time u go shopping ;) x
me 2 with the snow we just popped out !!..

another good day today, had my shake for lunch with some fruit and coffee, then a micro meal ( quick grab) was under 600cals.

although confession time.. BF brought a kfc home last night and i had a peice !! felt horrible after and hope it has not ruined my weigh in day but back on 100%

tomorrow plan is to have shake for lunch then either a chicken dinner or some pasta, lots of exercise tho cos i expect we'll be builing alot of snowmen ! xx
Ahhh was just a little piece, a kfc would be VERY hard to resist so well done you!

Are u able to build your snowman today?? Ours is just more ice now, and fog!! xx
well my lad woke me up and was more giddy than xmas lol we went out in it all morning very thick here couldn't build a snowman tho.. weird but the snow was too fine lol or i am just useless..

at least there is no naughty food in the house while we are snowed in.. hows everyone else? lots of snow?
We had a fair ammount of snow but it was mostly slush by this morning. Been at work all day in it, luckily I didn't fall over on my way to work!
another day down.. woop woop although my evening meal went slightly over 600cals this evening was lush tho and only pasta so nothing too bad !

fingers and toes crossed for my 1st weigh in on wed !!!
ooo good luck! i have my weigh in on weds . . . you'll be fine!! x x x