hi, just to introduce myself, I'm Helen and after being weighed today im heavier than i thought.....but i wont let that get me down
im starting today and it feels weird to say im rather looking forward to it!!
anyone else starting today?
Thanks everyone, really really appreciate the support x yesterday went really well, no hunger just kept drinking.
i split my shakes into 2 and had each half with 500ml, i think thats going to work best for me, im loving the
chocolate and aim to have it hot tonight!
today i have the most awful dog breath, dropped my little one at school gave him a kiss and he said ewwwwwww
you stink
im abit confused by that, surely i cant be in ketosis so soon? i dont have any hunger atm, whereas usually
i cant do anything without food in the morning.
lots of willpower to those starting this week, we can do it xx