1st slim and save week almost done!

Hi, just wondered if anybody could offer some advice?

I disappeared off the boards a week ago cause I just couldn’t get past day one. Im pleased to say that I am finally starting day 3!

Only problem is…I had a cheeky weigh in this morning and have only lost 2lb. Now, I cant help but feel it should be more.

I’m doing Simplicity and having four packs a day.

Any ideas?
Hi, just wondered if anybody could offer some advice?

I disappeared off the boards a week ago cause I just couldn’t get past day one. Im pleased to say that I am finally starting day 3!

Only problem is…I had a cheeky weigh in this morning and have only lost 2lb. Now, I cant help but feel it should be more.

I’m doing Simplicity and having four packs a day.

Any ideas?

Have you got much weight to lose? The more you have to lose the bigger that week 1 loss will be but also I find I can go a couple of days and lose nothing and then the next day I'm 2 or 3 pounds lighter. It's hard I know but stop daily weighing, the diet will work :)
Hey TM glad to see you back.
Porshe04 is so right your weight loss on the first week is bigger when you have more to lose as it a percentage of what you are eg if you start at 150lbs and lose 1lb thats a 1% loss if you're 200lbs lose 2lbs thats still 1% loss as you get closer to goal the losses do get smaller but the percentage of loss is far greater.

Try and limit yourself to weekly weighins your weight will fluctuate over the week it goes up and down but you will lose and you are losing if you do daily or every other day weigh ins you focus on the difference between your recent weighin and your previous rather than the bigger picture its been 2 complete days thats 1lb a day thats amazing stay off until monday im guessing would be a week from when you started and weigh yourself as soon as you wake up. I always think also on the first week that your body only really notices what really happening in the last half of the week so day 5 it really kicks in. Take your inches as well nsv is never a bad thing :D
Also I know week 1 we all like to see a big loss because its the hardest week you're just getting started but it is water and glycogen loss so if its not some ridiculous number like 21lbs then dont feel disheartened it may well mean that you dont retain high amounts of water.

You can do this TM I know you can we're all in this together, if you ever feel low or at the edge of grabbing for something off plan write down how your feeling it really helps just admitting that your struggling can help I've found this site and the sns forum really supportive.

Week 1 is the beginning not the end xx
Haha I'm doing good thank hun having mass food cravings today but it's the weird kind where you don't know what you want you just know you want something.
I'll be good though I can and must resist haha I'll meditate chanting that phrase.
Day 45 election day

So very busy this morning I past a life milestone this morning and voted for the 1st time ever which is quite exciting I missed out on the last election of being able to vote by a couple of months.
I know I'm so boring.

Took the puppy out for a field run she just shot off went absolutely manic. I struggled walking her today I got alot of pain on the left of my right hip bone don't know why.

Had a lifestyle day today boyf got out a whole pack of mincemeat I put in the freezer so had to be eaten luckily it was a 2 portion pack not one of those monster packs.

So I made turkey burger with breast mince which I had anyway before i started this diet so happy i can still have it. Anyhooo I put a 1/4 of a babybel in the middle after mixing the mince with cooked red onion and 2tsp of egg whites then grilled it. Served it with cajun swede fries and broccoli :p yummy

So I've had

Pack 1 Caffè latte shake
Pack 2 strawberry shake
Snack BM chicken and turkey slices
LCM turkey cheese burger with cajun swede chips & broccoli
Pack 3 chocolate shake

Total kcal 711
Total carb 48g
Total pro 86g
Total fat 17g

Really happy with the carbs i went over slightly with the calories but I won't let it panic me it 11 calories more than it should be but I'll be in the gym tomorrow and having a simplicity day I think.
Ive put my mild curry on swapshop as I've eaten it way too often I can't eat it anymore so hopefully once I get those changed i can have a few more simplicity days :D
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Voting is what got me out of the house during the day today! nice little walk heh.
Thanks Ladies. Problem is, I do have a lot to lose! Around 3 stone to be at a healthy weight.

It’s a bit disheartening because, though it has been hard, I haven’t once strayed or even really been tempted to. I had a really bad headache last night which I know is the start of ketosis based on past experience. The thing is, I did Celebrity Slim and lost 2 stone in two and a half months, with 5lb of that in my first week. Usually after day one I was 3lb down (which I know isn’t fat) but it helped to see movement.

Seeing very little to no movement on the scales is hard for me cause that’s what I rely on to keep me going.

I hope it picks up L
I'm sure it will pick up but like I said before if you weigh yourself frequently you'll only be seeing the small loss not the bigger overall weekly loss TM don't feel disheartened just try not to til Monday you never know you may have a bigger loss in your second week than your first as weird as that sounds my friend did :)
If you stick to plan you'll get a stone off in a month it evens out as someone previously posted :)

Wish i could have started with 3 stone to lose sadly 30lbs later I'm only just getting there but past is past.
You're doing fab and 2lbs in 2 days is fantastic 1lb a day could work out at 7lbs lost in the 1st week if it keeps going but please stay of the scales hun I had a cheeky peak on mine last Thursday 2 days after my weigh in I'd lost 1.5lbs then when it got to this Tuesday I had lost 2lbs which is a good loss but I couldn't really see that at first as i was so focused on only losing 0.5lbs in the 5 days up to my weighin and just like you I'd stuck to plan so this week I'm staying off the scales until my weekly weighin on Tuesday :)

Your doing amazing I know scales are a huge motivator but they can be massively demotivating. You can do it you can found this diet we're all in this together :)
Yeah I wanted to keep away from the scales but oops.. but the fact is, if you stick to it, you WILL lose and yes about a stone a month, when I did LL I had great losses, then they slowed down, some weeks I barely lost 2lbs but then suddenly I'd lose 4 and I still did bang on 3st in 3 months.
Exactly it all evens out my boyfs mum lose 4lbs one week then 0lbs the next and it continues that way so still evens out to 2lbs a week she only had 2 stone to lose on slimming world so she was never gonna have huge losses but it just shows you've had it she has also had it that your weightloss evens out to what it should be on that particular diet.

Im staying away from mini weighin I get upset as i did last week thinking about how I'd only lost 0.5lbs in the 2 days up to this Tuesday rather than the fact I'd lost 2lbs total that week.
Day 46

Well did not see that election result happening after all of the hung parliament stuff got to say majorly shocked. Wont say if its bad or good as that just creates issues haha what is it they say avoid the topics of politics and religion at the dinner table.

Anyway today Ive just done housework and food shop no exercise in the gym the weather has been abysmal I think its not a good idea for me today to go to the gym anyway as I keep getting dizzy spells and its starts to go dark dont know why I'm drinking enough water.
I bought some iron pills and im gonna start taking my vit D meds again as I think thats part of why I'm so sleepy. Im off to the gym tomorrow then a bit of packing for when we move next monday then off for some shopping.

I tried 1/2 of the new chewy milk chocolate bar its nice but I dont find it as satisfying for my chocolate cravings like the dark choc truffs bar but I do find dark chocolate I only need 3 squares and im satisfied unlike galaxy where I could eat a whole 100g bar and still not be satisfied. I just didnt find it very chocolatey although I did enjoy it.

Pack 1 vanilla shake
Pack 2 chocolate hazelnut shake yummy not to sweet just like green triangles
LCS cocktail sausages x5
LCM Gammon steak with carrots and broccoli
Pack 3 1/2 chewy milk choc bar new kind

Total kcal 702
Total Carb 46g
Total pro 64g
Total fat 28g

Happy with kcal and carbs but the fat is way too high and the pro is way too low. Im planning my day tomorrow tonight so that I can try and get better nutrition totals :)
Day 46

Well did not see that election result happening after all of the hung parliament stuff got to say majorly shocked. Wont say if its bad or good as that just creates issues haha what is it they say avoid the topics of politics and religion at the dinner table.

Anyway today Ive just done housework and food shop no exercise in the gym the weather has been abysmal I think its not a good idea for me today to go to the gym anyway as I keep getting dizzy spells and its starts to go dark dont know why I'm drinking enough water.
I bought some iron pills and im gonna start taking my vit D meds again as I think thats part of why I'm so sleepy. Im off to the gym tomorrow then a bit of packing for when we move next monday then off for some shopping.

I tried 1/2 of the new chewy milk chocolate bar its nice but I dont find it as satisfying for my chocolate cravings like the dark choc truffs bar but I do find dark chocolate I only need 3 squares and im satisfied unlike galaxy where I could eat a whole 100g bar and still not be satisfied. I just didnt find it very chocolatey although I did enjoy it.

Pack 1 vanilla shake
Pack 2 chocolate hazelnut shake yummy not to sweet just like green triangles
LCS cocktail sausages x5
LCM Gammon steak with carrots and broccoli
Pack 3 1/2 chewy milk choc bar new kind

Total kcal 702
Total Carb 46g
Total pro 64g
Total fat 28g

Happy with kcal and carbs but the fat is way too high and the pro is way too low. Im planning my day tomorrow tonight so that I can try and get better nutrition totals :)

How much have you lost so far?
30lbs total since this tuesday which was my 6th weigh in my gosh how time flies
Thank you

You're doing amazing 17lbs in 2 weeks in fantastic you'll be your 2 stone marker in no time :D
You might need more salt perhaps? I find it really helps with the dizzy so spells, maybe check blood pressure see if it's dropping. I'd often get dizzy when I was due to eat again but adding some salt calmed it down
Thank you

You're doing amazing 17lbs in 2 weeks in fantastic you'll be your 2 stone marker in no time :D

Thanks, I am pleased with that just annoyed that I could have had a bigger loss than I'm going to get this week as I had two days of eating rubbish,
Bank Holiday's seem to mean 'lets eat' in my head :-(
Well done on getting this far Duvet......you can underestimate the strength it takes to manage this sort of diet day in and day out......give yourself a big chufty....:clap: