Hi guys,
sorry for for the lack of posts here. Been a bit pushed for time And only just managing to keep up to date with the food diary.
last week went well. Had a small slip up- panicked about it but manage to pull it back and get back on track before damage was bad and still lost 3.5lb last week
on plan monday (weigh day) and yesterday, but today has gone to pot. Bad night sleep, little one in a mood and a few problems with the bathroom which we are having fitted and my mood has plummeted. I also have a meeting today about finding work and I'm extreamly nervous. Due to health issues and having my little one its been many years since I had paid work. This is a huge step for me but it's all making me feel a bit sick.
so- 8.30am I was already eating chocolate. I have not worked out the syns/ damage. I daren't! I have put sausage stew in the slow cooker though. Even though I just feel like eating crap.
this stupid emotional over eating cycle is crazy. I don't know what to do. Part of me thinks give myself a flexi day. So Work out syns so far, give myself a limit which is enough to get this sweet fix & cravings out my system but not too bad with a limit so I can stay in control. Then get back on 100% tomorrow.
i'm so heavy, I can't afford days like this. So unhappy with myself for my reaction to a bad few days. Wish I wanted to clean, or exercise when feeling rubbish ha! It's that annoying 'here we go again, you can't stick to anything long term' feeling blurgh