2.5 stone to lose club

Good morning! It's going to be a lovely day today :) sun is shining already... Off to work now... Have a good one!!

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Lucky you having sunshine - it's drizzle and grey here! Hopefully it'll improve later though - it's a good forecast for most of the week. I'm dreading this week at work (lots of difficult decisions and stressful meetings) so I'm just hoping it flies by fast!

Have a good day, lovely.

Hope the sun comes out for you sarah and you get through work ok :) work is nothing but stress!!

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Last day of the hols for us :-( I hate it when the kids go back. Love having them around and no fixed routine.
Hope things aren't too stressful miss corset. It's so horrid when you know things are going to be awful. Keep your eye on those holidays you lucky thing. You always seem to be jetting off to fab places.
Hope your day stays sunny soon to be slim

Here's to another 100% day all :)
Lol, peacelily I want them to go back... Costs a fortune entertaining them!!

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Ok so 100% so far but got an unexpected night out on the town with mates... A few of my friends a those that sabotage me, so gotta be careful and try not to let them derail me!!! Do you have friends like that?

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Ok so 100% so far but got an unexpected night out on the town with mates... A few of my friends a those that sabotage me, so gotta be careful and try not to let them derail me!!! Do you have friends like that?

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Oh yes but its more my OH who sabotages with spontaneous nights out for a bottle of wine. If I suggest going out and planning then he never wants to go so I have to keep a few syns in reserve just in case.
*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Ok so 100% so far but got an unexpected night out on the town with mates... A few of my friends a those that sabotage me, so gotta be careful and try not to let them derail me!!! Do you have friends like that?

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Have a good night out, can you stick to spirit and diet coke? X
Just got back in :) I did a sneaky and drove in the end!! Lol :)) I didn't eat off plan either and do you know what, nobody even noticed what I ate!! Lol.... Just didn't pick up the bread or anything in restaurant :)) so got through it with minimal damage :)) they were just grateful I drove! I even bought my d cokes!! didn't even mention I was on diet... Lol....

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Morning :) didn't sleep too good last night :( lots of police helicopters and car alarms going off :( feeling a bit tired out today.... Quiet work day today thankfully !!!

Got the new magazine through the post today :) anyone read it yet?

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*soon-to-be-slim* said:
Morning :) didn't sleep too good last night :( lots of police helicopters and car alarms going off :( feeling a bit tired out today.... Quiet work day today thankfully !!!

Got the new magazine through the post today :) anyone read it yet?

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Well done on your night out and staying on track. Didn't sleep very well either as I'm obviously coming down with something. Sore throat, headache and very sweaty in bed! Had a power cut in the night so alarm didn't go off and daughter, who needs hours to get ready, only had half an hour for first day of new term. I've read the mag. Will hopefully try some of the recipes this week. Working tonight :-( which is always a rush. Off to weigh in at 9.30 and not hopeful at all. Been bloated for some reason despite 100% and trying to drink lots of water. Well as long as loss or STS will be fine but desperate to get below this stone and only 3lbs away. We'll see. Have a good day everyone. :)
Ah peacelily, hope you feel better soon :( how was weigh in?

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Hey all, im pre menstral and just want to eat chocolate, I know we can have syns but I find at times like this its best for me to have no chocolate at all or I just cant stop.

Well done on staying so in control soon to be, I wish I could be so disciplined when I have a night out. Hope you start to feel better peacelilly , is it today you weigh or tmrw?
Hi there. I lost 1lb this week which I'm very happy with. Thanks for kind words don't know what's wrong with me today feel really yukky. Prob just a bug. I know what it's like to have those premenstrual munchies nellylou am a bit like that myself. Last time I had EE days (as normally do red) and allowed myself some more carby type things which helped me stay off the chocs. Hope it passes soon.
Well done peacelily, another on bites the dust!! Lol.... Keep it up x try get some rest and you will feel better soon...

Nellylou... Just have green days on those days and fill up on chips and cheese with bread butty or egg beans and chips... You need comfort foods :)

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Great loss peacelilly :)

Thanks all for your advice, will have green days from Thursday and fill up on carbs! (i have a weird thing where i wint do anything but red days 2 days before weigh in) Off to eat my fibre plus bar now with a fudge highlights :) x
Ooh nelly fudge highlight sounds nice, I went out tonight to the cinema.... Saw total recal, wicked film... Took a time out and mini bag of butterkist :) really enjoyed the film..

Had a red day today and had a asda extra special lamb shank.. Omg!! Amazing! Syn free and it's in gravy!! Had it with asparagus and mushrooms! Totally delicious...

Night everyone

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Morning! Have a great day all :)

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Ooh nelly fudge highlight sounds nice, I went out tonight to the cinema.... Saw total recal, wicked film... Took a time out and mini bag of butterkist :) really enjoyed the film..

Had a red day today and had a asda extra special lamb shank.. Omg!! Amazing! Syn free and it's in gravy!! Had it with asparagus and mushrooms! Totally delicious...

Night everyone

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It was really nice and a nice change to options hot choc. Will take a trip to Asda and pick that Lamb shank up (love a good free food meal) :p:D

Have you seen the original total recall? I havent but boyf wont go watch it as he hates remakes!? x
yes i have seen the original.... tell him that this is totally different to the one with arnie in.... its really good..... :)

had a red day today.... been busy getting ready for kids going back tomorrow to school.... read the new magazine too, good stuff in it....

I went shopping and bought that low alcohol wine first cape... 12 syns the whole bottle :) hope it tastes nice!! Anyone tried it? I have had a red day today feeling very picky though..... I think i am just tired a little. I am going to have comfort food tomorrow, got a nice rice pudding cooking at the moment :) yummy it will be all cold and gooey for breakfast :)
Another day done.... Night all....

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