Really pleases you enjoyed the film Fran, I thought it was very good and well done on resisiting. I enjoy going to the Cinema and luckily I hate popcorn and it was drilled in to me from when I was little that you don't eat at the cinema so luckily I can go and resist all temptation
I will be going to see the Hobbit.
Thanks also for your support and tips, I am lucky with christmas I won't be going to any parties so it's just the actual christmas period to get through. I think if I allow myself 3 days out of the at least 11 I am off and try to stay on plan the others I may just make it through!! I also really appriciate the support as the more I hear it's possible the more I'll believe it and the more likely it'll happen
Maybe Nate does annoy your C because like all small children he is excitable but if she has a problem she should either keep quiet or have a quiet word with you not with others behind your back!! SW is children friendly so you are well within your rights to take him. I stopped going to my old group as there were so many kids there you couldn't even hear the C or each other speak but it sound like it's just your Nate at your group and if so really I can't imagine he is that bad, he just sounds cute! Don't stop going though, your name is on that woman of the year award for 2013!!!
I also love the 'adoption' idea of your group, I would love that, all I get is 2 min in front of everyone when they're going round the group where I just say I am fine as I know there isn't time to speak but they don't do that at my group and there really isn't much support past them saying fill in an SAS (or whatever) log
Don't worry Scarlett, you can get that off again and more next week and don't worry I have WI tonight and I think I'll have a new lb too
Our lbs can be friends and go off together next week
OMG Jess, ouch!!! Glad you managed to cover it up and have an amazing night x x
Tata Jelly Tots!!! Mmmmm yum yum