20 somethings

Oh well done Tata! I struggle to not eat everything on my plate so a big well done. I have my super naughty kitkat chunky peanut butter tonight (13) and had 2 Tesco reduced fat sausages this morning (1 each) so used the full 15 today. But I had 0 yesterday and will be doing 0 syn weekend again so will probably have 15 tomorrow too. Then about 10 for Monday and Tuesday. Options alone just doesn't hit it for me :(
Hope everyone's had a good day. I've read everything but forgotten it again!

Going away this weekend and quite worried about it as staying on plan is gonna be hard. I wouldn't mind but its my third busy weekend in a row. After this weekend there's nothing til the work Xmas do thank god!
I wouldnt worry fran, even if she did think that even a little bit tbh I dont think she would say anything because everyone deserves to be able to get support for weight loss wether you have children or not and it seems so far like she doesnt seem to think its worth mentioning and im sure she would have said something sooner if she wanted to
Ciara same for me its my sisters wedding so lots of bad foods although I will try to choose a bit more wisely to reduce the syns, I thibk ive had a relatively low syn week so I should hopefully be ok plus I dont wi until Friday so will have 5 days to make up for it
Really pleases you enjoyed the film Fran, I thought it was very good and well done on resisiting. I enjoy going to the Cinema and luckily I hate popcorn and it was drilled in to me from when I was little that you don't eat at the cinema so luckily I can go and resist all temptation :) I will be going to see the Hobbit.

Thanks also for your support and tips, I am lucky with christmas I won't be going to any parties so it's just the actual christmas period to get through. I think if I allow myself 3 days out of the at least 11 I am off and try to stay on plan the others I may just make it through!! I also really appriciate the support as the more I hear it's possible the more I'll believe it and the more likely it'll happen

Maybe Nate does annoy your C because like all small children he is excitable but if she has a problem she should either keep quiet or have a quiet word with you not with others behind your back!! SW is children friendly so you are well within your rights to take him. I stopped going to my old group as there were so many kids there you couldn't even hear the C or each other speak but it sound like it's just your Nate at your group and if so really I can't imagine he is that bad, he just sounds cute! Don't stop going though, your name is on that woman of the year award for 2013!!!

I also love the 'adoption' idea of your group, I would love that, all I get is 2 min in front of everyone when they're going round the group where I just say I am fine as I know there isn't time to speak but they don't do that at my group and there really isn't much support past them saying fill in an SAS (or whatever) log

Don't worry Scarlett, you can get that off again and more next week and don't worry I have WI tonight and I think I'll have a new lb too :) Our lbs can be friends and go off together next week

OMG Jess, ouch!!! Glad you managed to cover it up and have an amazing night x x

Tata Jelly Tots!!! Mmmmm yum yum
Ciara same for me its my sisters wedding so lots of bad foods although I will try to choose a bit more wisely to reduce the syns, I thibk ive had a relatively low syn week so I should hopefully be ok plus I dont wi until Friday so will have 5 days to make up for it

I love my Thursday WI for the same reason, if I have a busy weekend I can catch up, or at least try, before the next group :)
Haha thanks star, now I have to work my bloody arse off... Literally!

I think I've started being strict at weekends because it started to become tempting to have extra syns, even though I wasn't even going anywhere. Very jealous of all your plans and I'm sure if you are 100% the rest of the week you should do ok :)

Star, last year my mum made loads of snacky things that were slimming world friendly. I think we are doing it again this year for new years eve so I should get the list again and can let you know if you like.

The adopting thing can work, but sometimes people are just going to self destruct and don't really want the help. But when people really want it it can work well and build stronger friendships.

My old teacher from secondary school just congratulated me on my weightloss so far and the miss slinky award. Hehe. She's nit taught me for more than 10 years!

Oh and I might have a cute picture to share...

Love how you made the lbs friends.
I second that :) x
Well done tata!

I want to see the cute picture, Fran!

I've had a neutral day today and I haven't felt hungry at all, despite seemingly eating not a lot. It's nice having the extra healthy extras!

Breakfast: Pineapple, apple and strawberries. Starbucks talk Cappuccino (6 syns/HexA if allowed?)
Lunch: 6 Finn Crisp (HexB) with 70g Philadelphia Light (HexA), a clementine, HiFi Deluxe peanut (HexB)
Dinner: 2 x LM red onion sausages with runner beans.

I'm absolutely stuffed. I might be a red/green convert!
Hi all :)

Well after a mega naughty chippy tea (only one in 3 months, wanted it, enjoyed it, and am of the opinion that you shouldn't deprive yourself if you only want these treats every once in a while!!) I am 25 syns over for the day...but with 5 full days between me and WI day I am happy to have enjoyed it, and now have 10 syns or under every day...fingers crossed it doesn't make a big difference! Xxx

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You still get your syns hun. 2/3rd superfree, 1/3 free. One ir two hea, two heb, same syns but you pick from the highest ones, e.g. a sausage that is 1 syn on red & ee but 4.5 on green will be 4.5 on success express. So jelly tots will still be 5.

Laura I'm the same. If I will enjoy it and can factor it into my weeks syns I will have it and enjoy it. Yum chippy tea.

He came from the seaton store, he doesn't normally do delivery.... Probs for his creepiness. What's worse was I was in my jimjams!
Catching up with Masterchef and they're making pancakes with basically deep-fried battered thick custard. It is the epitome of unhealthiness but my mouth won't stop watering!