Silver Member
snow playdough is basically just white play dough. I put the snow in quotation marks to make it sound fancy. its really hard to get white playdough because it normally comes out kind of beigey, but I found a nice recipe that uses cornflour instead of normal flour so that its whiter. And you can put glitter in and flavouring in it to give it a lovely smell. Playdough's amazing! I used this recipe snow playdough recipeNurtureStore if you're interested, worked perfectly! Luckily my housemate has measurers for cups so I could get the quantities right. I also found this website The Imagination Tree which has some lovely playdough stuff and other things too, although her snow playdough didnt work for me, though I have no idea why, the recipe was very similar. All these blogs are by these perfect mothers who make beautiful things with their fantastic children all the time, but there is some lovely stuff too!
Somehow this has turned into a playdough ramble I don't know how that happened, apologies haha
Somehow this has turned into a playdough ramble I don't know how that happened, apologies haha