20 somethings

snow playdough is basically just white play dough. I put the snow in quotation marks to make it sound fancy. its really hard to get white playdough because it normally comes out kind of beigey, but I found a nice recipe that uses cornflour instead of normal flour so that its whiter. And you can put glitter in and flavouring in it to give it a lovely smell. Playdough's amazing! I used this recipe snow playdough recipeNurtureStore if you're interested, worked perfectly! Luckily my housemate has measurers for cups so I could get the quantities right. I also found this website The Imagination Tree which has some lovely playdough stuff and other things too, although her snow playdough didnt work for me, though I have no idea why, the recipe was very similar. All these blogs are by these perfect mothers who make beautiful things with their fantastic children all the time, but there is some lovely stuff too!

Somehow this has turned into a playdough ramble I don't know how that happened, apologies haha
ooh don't apologize at all. thanks for the links that's lovely. nate's a bit of a clumsy savage fool (much like his mother) so it's hard to make things with him still. he's only quiet if i'm reading him book after book.
Morning, morning, nearly afternoon. How is everyone today? I was hoping for a wee trip to honiton today but I need to babysit the builder. He does good work but needs supervision apparently. Nate is in love with him though. So stuck in the house, and if he isn't finished or if mum&dad aren't back before 2pm we won't be able to go to toddler group. Meaning another day stuck inside. Boo. How is everyone else's day looking. We're sending you good luck wishes for WI tonight Laura. :) my bollocking scales still won't settle so it seems I'm going in to weigh in blind. I hate that. Argh.
I'm on a computer scripting course for the next 3 days and I'm already worn out from it! I haven't been sleeping very well so I'm finding it hard to concentrate and keep up.

Scales were up again this morning. I don't get it because I've been so good! I just keep wracking my brain for a reason why. I did have a weekend of barely eating during the day and then eating out (on plan) in the evening so maybe I haven't eaten enough. I certainly haven't eaten enough to warrant a gain! :(

I have two work Christmas lunches before next week's weigh in and then a long weekend in Prague so I knew it was going to get tough but I thought this week might be a good final fling before the Christmas season.

Sounds rubbish being stuck indoors! I always feel so awkward around workmen - I never know whether they want you to keep them company or leave them to it.
Do not want to go to work today :( my lips are so dry from the cold weather that they are sore all across the top lip, need to go pick something up for them :/ hate winter lol

You will be fine fran you always are, at home do u use a mechanical or digital scales?
Hi everyone. X
Fran hope you manage to get out and about, nothing worse than cabin fever especially with a littlun!

Emily don't worry, even if you do have a gain you know you have been on plan so it can't possibly be a true fat gain. It's more than likely one of those lovely quirks of being female! Haha! Stick with it and it will show. Still so jealous you are off to Prague, where abouts are you staying? X

Aww Christie poor you I hate that! Get some Vaseline and keep smothering, often the perfumed and special formulas make dry skin worse in the long run. Vaseline will just rehydrate and protect x

I'm at work, my arm feels like it is going to fall off! The nurse that did my blood test yesterday was like magic as needle went in, didn't feel a thing. Then as she pulled it out was agony! I've got a bruise that spreads from the crook of my elbow round to the other side and its all puffy :( using it as an excuse to not do much. Tuesdays are usually when I can get away with doing a bit less in the house, just as well today! X
Looks painful hun ive only had 1 lot of blood taken since I was about 14 thankfully as I have a needle phobia lol I do need one soon though to have an allergy test as I think im allergic to stuff I work with and after nearly 5 years I have some permanent scarring from reactions as I keep chickening out going for blood tests or whatever they need to do lol
Ooh Scarlett that looks painful! My arm has looked like that twice in my life - once when the blood people didn't put enough pressure on my arm after I'd given blood so it didn't scab over and I ended up bleeding everywhere, and once when they went through a second vein by accident and I bled internally. Get yourself some arnica!

That's made me feel better - I do know it's not true fat gain because it can't possibly be! I think I get the worst of my monthlies' symptoms in the middle of my cycle. I get migraines on/around the day I ovulate and I had a bad one on Saturday after a two month break (damn - I thought I was rid of them!) I had a look back through my losses and found I have had one low loss week followed by 4 good weeks (0.5, [3, 3, 2, 2.5] 1.5 (I had been vomiting all day), [2, 2.5, 2.5, 2]) corresponding with my mid-cycle, so I'm going to chalk it up to hormones and hope for better next week. A little bit of me is thinking the scales might surprise me tomorrow but I doubt it!

Sounds nasty, Christie! What is it that you work with that you think you're allergic (or 'splurgic' as my little sister used to say) to?
Ooh Emily so jealous. Lucky lady :) star week is the week before your period but I'm usually screwy the week before (now) due to ovulation. I usually get ok losses on star week proper and aunt flo week, but ovulation week is when I'd gain, be hinged up and bloated. Currently look 7 months pregnant!

Scarlet that looks nasty. Arnica does work a treat though, should sort you out.

We did go to toddlers and that nasty little **** child hurt Nate again, to the extent another woman was appalled and helped Nate up. I was putting the kids biscuits away after snack time, Nate trotting behind me (hoping for extra biscuits) when horrid **** boy picked up one of those really big soft play blocks that are covered in plastic and smacked it into nate's face. Then as I bent down to hug Nate better ****-child stole another biscuit off the plate I was holding. A truely nasty child. Later he tried to snatch nate's hula hoop off him and got a shock when he realised I was inside it too.
I work in a diy store I think im allergic to all plastering adhesives, flooring adhesives and bags of plaster finishes, I once had a whole bag split all over me I still worked all day but was in a fair amount of pain from the burning and its gotten worse my fingers swell up when I get even a tiny bit on me and since I have to touch it most of the day its not much fun lol I keep putting off asking docs for test because of my needle phobia but I think I just need to bite the bullet and go for it and then when its done its done I suppose they may do a skin patch test instead or something so may not even have to have a needle
Fran that child sounds like a right spoilt brat! Do u know what the parents are like?
I don't think they'll take blood, if it is contact dermatitis, if they are like my drs they'll give you gloves. You might have better drs though!

The boys little sister is really nice, and his mum is alright, the child is just a complete douche. I saw him pushing over and fighting with other kids today too. I was loving Charlie (my neighbour's son) fighting back. If Nate ever did it he's get a smacked bum and when he has the words he'd be made to apologise. The mum's a bit warey of me after I yelled at him last time. Mostly I keep Nate away from him but he was trotting faithfully to the biscuits
sounds like a brat fran, he will prob continue to bully till he picks on someone bigger and gets a whack himself! thats what usually happens in my experience of looking after kids! obv we have to be tactful explaining to the bullys parent but you really want to say- "ha! serves your little brat right!!" lol

that does sound nasty christie! hope they find out the cause so at least if you cant avoid it altogether as fran says you might be able to wear gloves to protect yourself. have you tried taking antihistamine when you will be working? might help lessen the reaction.

ohh def need to get me some arnica, bit late now i think though :( my elbow currently resembles cookie monster with a dash of purple eyeshadow! I think i might actually add this to the (long) list of complaints my mum has just submitted to that hospital (long story but involves various things relating to my nan, my mum, my brother and my care at that hospital in the last few years!) as I asked the lady to do it the other side as i know those are better veins, more prominent and thats the arm i give blood from and she said- "well to do that i'd have to move your coat so i can get the stool round there...so ill just do it here" then before i could argue she had got the tornicque (sp?) round and needle was in! silly bint..

emily....im now turning green with envy as well as blue and purple! that hotel looks amazing! and on the old town square...my favourite bit of prague! we spent our last morning in prague just sitting in the square taking it all in, loved it so much.

sat here with my stomach growling and realised i havent eaten since breakfast..most unlike me! got a bunch of fresh basil making my fridge smell amazing along with some parmesan so going to make a spaghetti bolognese. be back when im fat and full up!!! :)
Ooh enjoy scarlet. Dorchester hospital was a bit scared of my mum lodging an official complaint. You do wonder why some people are in the medical/care giving career.

I said that before, he'll be at big school soon where all the other kids are bigger. My mum is of the aggressive approach saying i should have belted the other kid back as well as his mum. Lol.
I made risotto with the leftover chicken tonight. It wasn't as good as my mum's! I mucked up - I meant to use the chicken as a Hex B as I'm on a green day but I forgot and had Ryvita as my second Hex B at lunch. Luckily there was so much I split it between 3 instead so it was 4 syns instead of 6.

Does anyone know for sure how many syns there are in standard Cadbury's advent calendar choc? I've seen everything from 0.5 to 2.5 on here!