Welcome Dolly...this is the beginning of your journey to the new you
Don't believe everything you read.......normally accidents will only happen when you have had a high intake of fat !!
Get the Alli diet plan book it is filled with recipes.....go to
Home | alli there are also recipes on there !!
Try and eat something at breakfast a) its the most important meal of the day (i never used to eat anything but you need to get the 3 tablets in ) b) you will feel so much better as you are fuelling your body for the start of the day
I eat beans on toast...half your amounts......eat plenty of fruit and drink lots of water
there is a 5g rule try not to go above it ....so on food packets for every 100g don't go above 5g fat.
cereal for breakfast, low fat yoghurt with berries in, poached egg on toast (doesn't agree with everyone)
Lunch....60g pasta...mixed with cucumber, peppers, spring onions with chicken breast
chicken and stuffing sandwich
ham sandwich.....
tuna with pasta
there are lots of things you can make
pork loin (no fat), with crushed potatoes and veg...get your portion sizes right they say 150g potatoes per person...boil them, drain and crush them add 1tsp olive oil and tsp fresh herbs (mint ect)
As I have mentioned get the alli book its my bible great recipes and easy to follow
