ProPoints 2012 will be the best yet :)

Mmmmmmmmmmm Crisps, i had some orange aero tonight. Such a treat, it was fab :)
Which herbal tabs did you get x
there called fat metabolizers from ho;;and and barrot totm 4 me this week am gona defo get in2 next but am stil not bein that bad lol i would eat doulbe u dont u get hungry hopeu dont think am bein rude by asking that lol x
Nah not at all. A lot of people prob look at my diary in shock ha ha. I used to eat loads and huge portions just like anyone else. Over time that fades, takes a while though. In all honesty i would love to eat salad, soup and eggs all day but i know that would only amount to about 7pp ha ha. There are days when i could eat everything in the house, i think every one does :D My body produces a natural appetite suppressent as a result of not many carbs. It a win win :)

Tuesday 10-01-12

Eggs- 7pp
Ham - 2pp
Cheese triangle - 2pp

Green salad - 0pp

Eggs - 5pp

Homemade burger - 9pp

Total 25pp
No WP used
13 WP left

2 AP earned
6 AP total left
ur doin fab hun i like salad but always have 2 hacve some sort of dressin think am goin 2 make one 2morow why not carnt wait till next wek 2 try and get into it lol x
I use lots of caesar dressing :D Need my fats ha ha. There are lots of other 0pp and 1pp types which are very tasty :)
Wens 11-01-12

200mls Milk - 4pp

Oxtail Soup - 3pp

200g Lamb mince - 11pp
30g Low low cheddar - 3pp
.25 of a small onion - 0pp
4 Tomato slices - 0pp

100ml Cream - 11pp

Total- 32pp

Weeklies used- 6pp
Weeklies left- 7pp
AP earned - 2pp
Total AP left - 8pp
hi hun will stil pop in just 2 let u kno am goin 2 swap over to calorie countin carnt get my hear in2 ww just yet hope ur ok x
Best of luck with cc-ing :D
Thursday 12-01-12

3 small eggs - 6pp

Eddie Rockets Smokestack - 24pp
Eddie Rockets Fries (half portion) - 9pp

Total - 39pp

Used 7WP
Used 6AP

2 AP left
New week and weigh in -1lb

Friday 13-01-12

Roast beef -9pp
100g Oven chips -5pp
Cabbage - 0pp
50mls Gravy -1pp

Aero caramel - 5pp

Yellow fin sole - 6pp

Total: 26pp

49 weeklies left
AP earned; 2
Total AP; 2
Just been reading ur diary, u are doin well. U pointed 3 eggs at 7pp? I'm sure 3 med eggs are 5 pp! 2 pp each but 3 work out at 5. Thought I'd save u some points! Haha xx