And she's back!
Oddly without all that much of a weight gain. I have no idea how that happened, none. I have been nigh on totally sedentary, eaten anything that didn't run away fast enough, drunk far too much and generally been depressed and unable to kick start anything!
But I have managed to sign on, get referred to the New Enterprise thingy, sorted out a business plan, financial forecast etc etc. Best of all the feeling of sheer, flat out, all consuming panic at the thought of coping with anything, working, being responsible has abated, a bit. Yes, I still feel freaked, even typing this is making me feel iffy, but I am, again, on an even enough keel to have set myself some targets for January 2016.
1. Get the business started: sign up with HMRC, get business cards ordered, adverts out, Agents visited
2. Join the 0to5k runners, starts 20th January -
be there!!!!
3. Get the diet back on track: Low GL for health, JUDDD for weight loss (DH is joining me too

Hopefully there will be a few more of you out there/in here and we can start chatting again.
Read you all later, hopefully