What I want from this:
So when I was walking to Morrison's I was thinking about what I want from this weight loss

. Easy enough to say, but I will be much happier when I get to my end target. I don't think you realise how unhappy you were at your highest weight until you lose some of it.
So along with being happier I want to be more comfortable in how I look and what clothes I wear. I reached the point where I was just wearing dark colours all the time because bright clothes were showing my true size, but I love colourful bright clothes. Along with this it started to become a problem even buying clothes, I am only 5ft 6in so when I reached a 36'' waist and even 38'' at one point, it started to become a serious problem getting clothes that fitted which I liked.
Finally, I think as I mentioned at the beginning of my first thread that I started uni in '09 and I was between 10st 7lbs and 11st then....and happy. I finish uni in June and I don't want my weight gain to be one of the main memories I am taking back home with me. I want to move back home near enough the size I was when I came here four years ago

So moving onto my targets atm. These will change at some point, hopefully my targets lowering due to how well I am getting on
First target
Next Thursday
Target weight-12st 12lbs. Target BMI-29
Quite simple, lose 2lb's by next Thursday, This will not only put me at 2 stone lost overall but will put me into the 12 stone category which will be an amazing feeling
Second target
21st March
Target weight- 12st 6lbs. Target BMI-28.1
Few reasons for this target date. 1) This would mark 1st lost since I restarted this at the start of Feb. 2) I have some friends coming that weekend who I wouldn't have seen since xmas. 3) I will be going back home for Easter the following Monday, which means seeing friends and people at work for first time since xmas.
Third target
2nd May
Target weight- 11st 7lbs. Target BMI- 26
So this will be the week which I will return to Manchester for my final term and final exams. This target is important as the loss from the 21st March to 2nd May will be done back at my parents,where temptations will be staring me in my face.
Forth target
30th May
Target weight- 11 stone. Target BMI-24.9
This would work out perfectly. I move home around the 30th May, leaving Manchester behind. This would put me at the weight I left Manchester for 4 years previously and amazingly into the normal bmi
Fifth (final) target
19th July
Target weight- Between 10st and 10st 7lbs. Target BMI- 22.6-23.7
So this would be the finishing line to my challenge....exactly 1 year on from when I first started. Hopefully nearly 5 stone lighter, healthier and happier
So there I go, non of my targets are really unrealistic they all just mean about 2lb loss a week, just need to stick to it and be determained. Bring this on I can see that finishing line in the distance now