I used to use all of them - every day...hard thing being vegan is that I tried to 'follow' some SW recipes as I was stuck, and used vegan versions of stuff, like mayo...except theres no low fat vegan mayo, and its not in the books and consultant had no idea about it...couldnt get online, didn\t think it would be that bad...4.5 SYNS PER TABLESPOON OF VEGAN MAYO. Nightmare!! I've figured a lot of it out now, like you can get powdered' cheese' sauce which is basically herbs and nutritional yeast...only 1/2 syn per tablespoon which is pleanty, so i use this as 'cheese' instead of vegan cheese stuff as I wasn't loosing when eating that stuff, even measured and used as a Healthy extra...that stuff is super bad for you!!!
i will explain green for you when i get the new books off my work mates in the next week or so, as it might have changed...but basically you get 2 healthy extra a's and b's instead of one (to up your calcium and fiber), had the same list of healthy extras as EE in the book, but also an additional green list which included stuff like nuts (which i THINK are ee now too in the new books) and also measured portions for meat and fish if you wanted to have a little of it on a green day.
Losing before xmas was easy - being vegan i cant eat chocs or biscuits if people bring them into work (which people dont!) and I am a shift worker so we can't do xmas parties etc...didn't do anything the few weeks before xmas except for work and sleep...worked over xmas too...but the damage was from 27th-today which I've had off, and have been to london, bristol, ipswich and norwich to catch up with family and freinds who have all laid on mega food, whole crates of vegan choc which they don't want and encourage me to scoff, lots of alcohol etc..eugh. so its not that good, as i didn't have 'temptation'
I find it hard not to use my syns, i have to try so hard and be able to have a cooked breakfast...only ever had one day where i had no syns in 3 months! but like i said, no such thing as low fat vegan replacement stuff (vegan butter - high in fat, vegan mayo - high in fat. doh! its like they think all vegans are super slim!!) but I'm getting there - just takes a bit of getting used to