Ooo wow that's amazing - I went to Paris Disney years ago now but it's so fab!! Every day you do it is a day that your body is healthier and getting slimmer. Everyday you don't is a day you're staying in the same unhappy body physically and mentally.[/QUOTE
Wise words Sammy. Day at a time. All we can do. So looking forward to Disney. Il be the biggest kid in the resortx
How exciting! I swear you go on hols every other week you haha! how long are you away for? Ive been to Disney in Florida 3 kids...just grown ups being kids....telly Andy to lighten's a laugh....and I can be a Grump and loved it. Poundage lost before hand makes a difference....especially to how you feel hun xx
It's going ok. Just the psychological demons whispering - your going away, just get back on it when you back aha. Just ignoring them. I'm almost glad I've nothing on when I get back. Just a long stretch of packsI agree and the more days you do this the more it becomes the habit of what you do when you're at home. You'll then be ready to jump right back on when you come back. Hope it's going well.
Ahh yes the dreaded breaks....i know this well remember me before Xmas???? I have conveniently tried to keep my hen do's as far away as possible for this reason....even though i would kill for some hot sun right now.....Also every time someone now mentions a social gathering I am so peeved!! Old me would all over it like a rash being the life and soul of a soiree lol. When you get back you'll be able to get your head down and focus on getting into them smaller summer clothes again yay....xx
I sooo enjoy my breaks but there definitely bad for my psych. Can't believe I'm actually looking forward to having a clear run at it x