Another sts for me - well done to the losers and here's to a better week next week for the rest 4 the rest of uxxxuxxx
Boo to a sts Upndown. Better than a gain but can still be frustrating I know. Hope you're ok, you've been quiet today xx
Another sts for me - well done to the losers and here's to a better week next week for the rest 4 the rest of uxxxuxxx
well done - it's over a stone lost now and the lightest u've been this year yay! XxCan someone update me to 15 pounds lost please? Another .75 loss this week,moving so slowly! Another 2lb off and I'm lighter than I have been this year-not really what I was going for but il take the positives where I can find them lol
Hi All been struggling to loose any weight latelyI am happy that I've managed to maintain around my official target weight but really wanted to get to my 3 stones award which is only 6 lbs away ! Since July Ive just to be battling with the same few lbs . I'm thinking do I give myself a break ( mentally ) and restart in the New year or just keep on doing what I am and hope I can shift a few more lbs ? My problem is as soon as I put pressure on myself it all goes to pot ! Getting a bit obsessed with this which I didn't want to happen I really wanted to conquer this crazy vicious circle this year and just get on with my life . Sorry for moan any advice would be much appreciated . Wishing you all a great week xx
Thanks upndown it's pretty quiet on here but I haven't been on much myself lately . I decided to stick to SW plan for a week to see how it goes to be honest not been on plan for a long time as wasn't getting the results so did CC plus upped my exercise and that's how I lost most of my weight so far . But since my hols although I've not been really bad I've been messing about doing all different things and getting nowhere so that's why I thought I'd try SW again. It's only my second day so early days but don't know if it's all in my mind but I feel more bloated and fatter ! But I'm going to stick it out for one week just to see I should stay the same at least if it's a gain then may need a different plan of attack . I'll keep you updated . Just out of interest does anyone else feel SW doesn't work for them ? Plus as I've only got a few lbs to go will it work as well ? Don't know questions questions ! X
Boo to a sts Upndown. Better than a gain but can still be frustrating I know. Hope you're ok, you've been quiet today xx
Hi All been struggling to loose any weight latelyI am happy that I've managed to maintain around my official target weight but really wanted to get to my 3 stones award which is only 6 lbs away ! Since July Ive just to be battling with the same few lbs . I'm thinking do I give myself a break ( mentally ) and restart in the New year or just keep on doing what I am and hope I can shift a few more lbs ? My problem is as soon as I put pressure on myself it all goes to pot ! Getting a bit obsessed with this which I didn't want to happen I really wanted to conquer this crazy vicious circle this year and just get on with my life . Sorry for moan any advice would be much appreciated . Wishing you all a great week xx
Yes it's been a busy day - sorting the house out after family visit - toys under every piece of furniture and sticky little hand marks everywhere - bless! Also went for a long walk and to Poppy's Christmas show and made some soup and adapted one of Kathy's casserole recipes to fit what I had in.
Just been to see u and well done on 2 good days xx
Ah, your couple of days with family sounds lovely. Did you enjoy Poppy's show? It's nice to see the little ones.
You are doing well this week, really hope those scales are good to you on Friday! xx
Wahey 2lbs off for me - not marvellous I know but I'm chuffed cos it's been a long time coming - all my own fault of course! Good luck to everyone on the tough-to-diet run to Christmas!!xx