I've been so low of late. Weekend (one night) away with an old school friend, which was lovely in parts but also "triggering" in others. I've known her since I was six, and I realised, seeing her again, how many of my insecurities stem from growing up alongside her. She's a wonderful wonderful person - and also happens to be remarkably beautiful (kind of head-turning, traffic-stopping beautiful), and naturally very very slender. She is the same height as me. We went clothes shopping on Saturday (why?!) and there she was, coming out of the changing rooms in more than one store, wearing size 8 jeans and asking for the six. I don't want to be THAT thin, but the level of approval and ooh-ing and aah-ing by sales assistants was really difficult to take. I sound like a horrid person, don't I? But she knows I've had weight issues all my life. She knows I lost six stone. She knows I'm really down about being fat again. Sigh.
Anyway. I am still focused on eating sensibly, and exercising where I can, to build fitness not weight loss, and to give myself some stress relief. The anxiety tablets are having the side effect of worse anxiety at the moment (which the GP said might happen). This is difficult! But I'm getting through it, day by day.
And I only have eight working days left until I'm on holiday for a week - and Disneyland Paris!

Courtesy of my very generous mother. So so kind of her to suggest we should go. I'm terrified of roller coasters though but will have to get over that as my hubby can't go on anything because of his MS. It will be four days of pure escapism though... looking forward to it.