2016 - The One Where I Learn To Look After Myself

I am so proud of myself - I've had such a good day today. No snacks in between meals, though I did have a couple of hot chocolates from the vending machine at work - it was freezing at work today!! Even better, I haven't come home from work and binged!! A whole day with no chocolate, crisps or biscuits even though I'm low on sleep and starting to come down with a cold again!!

I had a meal replacement hot chocolate for breakfast (instead of a cold milkshake). That was nice and filling, and more appealing than porridge. And I've had wholewheat wraps (low gi).
I definitely think that it's been easier to not binge this evening as I haven't had the sugar spikes during the day from eating crap!!!

Now I'm going to snuggle down into bed - my hands are freezing!!!
Well done hayley. Sounds like you had a good day.
Hi Hayley,
Have just caught up with your diary, how's it going? I read a lot too, I like Patricia Cornwell, also John Grisham and Harlen Coben books. I've just finished "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn that my son bought me for Christmas, I've seen the film so unfortunately knew how it ended but it's a fantastic book, thoroughly recommend it. As you say, stops you snacking if your mind is otherwise engaged!

Nicky xx
Hi Hayley,
Have just caught up with your diary, how's it going? I read a lot too, I like Patricia Cornwell, also John Grisham and Harlen Coben books. I've just finished "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn that my son bought me for Christmas, I've seen the film so unfortunately knew how it ended but it's a fantastic book, thoroughly recommend it. As you say, stops you snacking if your mind is otherwise engaged!

Nicky xx
Hi nicky. Gone girl is on my reading list. I haven't watched the film - I do always try to read the book first. That reminds me, I did start reading philomena.....got a bit sidetracked from that one!hope you have a good weekend x
I really should go to sleep. Getting up at 8 as hubby and I are going to have date day tomorrow. Have turkish bath booked (birthday pressie from hubby) - I sincerely hope that sitting in the steam room will help us shift these colds!! If not i am going to stay in bed for the rest of winter......

Resolve/diet has slipped a bit. Will get back on track!!
Still not quite on the wagon. I would say I was walking alongside the wagon nicely, and now I've fallen behind it a bit. Need to pick up the pace a bit.

This week is going to be hard. Going to have a busy week at work, then a 3 course meal out on Saturday with work people. Though a big part of me can't be bothered to go on Saturday now......

Will start the day well tomorrow with a bit of scrambled egg for breakfast!
Hi Hayey,

I really enjoyed reading your diary.
My starting weight is sadly a few stone heavier than yours but determined to do this for myself and my little girl. Would also love another but my age is also running away with me.
Am also a keen reader but struggling to find a book I can get my teeth into.

Hope you'll have a great weekend and I look forward to reading more of your diary.
Well, I have been absent for a while, but I seem to have had a breakthrough this week!!

I'm not quite sure how, but this week I seem to have fallen into a pattern of daily fasting. Since Monday I have been fasting for at least 15hrs a day. Not exactly sure how this came about, but I have been watching "Trust me I'm a doctor" which did an experiment on "reduced eating times", and there was an article about it in my fit and well magazine. As well as weight loss, fasting for 12-15 hours (more if you can manage it) is supposed to have so many different health benefits for you (it really helps to improve your blood sugars, cholesterol etc) and also helps you to lose weight. So I thought, well I can at least try and not eat after 8pm. As I work evenings, I have made my main meal during the day, with a light supper like a sandwich in the evening. Then nothing but water. And do you know what, its been alright! I can easily get through to 1pm the next day without eating, so I'm actually managing to fast for 17hrs!! I think it really helps that the first thing I am eating is a good, balanced meal, rather than doing my normal skipping breakfast, then grabbing something which is inevitably bad for me and makes my blood sugar go up and kick start the cravings.
I had my dinner today (at lunch) - first thing I had eaten in hours, and I couldn't finish it!!

I don't know why but it seems like something has just clicked inside my head, and its like yeah, I get this, this can work!! I'm not sure why this version(16:8) of intermittent fasting is working for when 5:2 didn't, but I am definitely going to keep it up!! It definitely clicks with me - my body likes this way of eating. It obviously compliments my bodies natural circadian rhythms and hormones....as I am writing this I am feeling quite tired, but I will be going to bed shortly to read in bed for a little bit, knowing that I am sleeping much better lately :)

Night all, sweet dreams x
I am battling with myself this evening. I got home from work and hubby was already in bed! I am now sat on the sofa watching tele, and I am really craving snacks!! Crisps, biscuits....anything and everything. It's all just habit - I can get through hours in the day not eating - I only seem to be getting cravings in the evenings.....
....I don't know what to do with myself. If I had known that my husband was going to go to bed so early I wouldn't have had the long shower and hair wash etc before work - a long bath would have taken up a few hours...

Hhhmmm if the cravings do not go soon I think I shall turn the tele off and head off to bed myself.

I shall not binge, I shall not binge, I shall not binge!!!!
I have fallen spectacularly off the wagon, and have regained most of the weight I'd lost. Today's failure was due to me spending too long at work, and not taking appropriate provisions!! Ok Ok. So today's failure was again due to lack of planning!!!
But now I am much more up to date at work, and not too far behind on housework. I should have plenty of time to focus on me and eating real food. Should.

I bought the becks diet solution a few months ago - cbt for weight loss. I should get that out over the next few nights instead of watching tele. Well I've caught up on call the midwife now, I won't be missing anything....
I have fallen spectacularly off the wagon, and have regained most of the weight I'd lost. Today's failure was due to me spending too long at work, and not taking appropriate provisions!! Ok Ok. So today's failure was again due to lack of planning!!!
But now I am much more up to date at work, and not too far behind on housework. I should have plenty of time to focus on me and eating real food. Should.

I bought the becks diet solution a few months ago - cbt for weight loss. I should get that out over the next few nights instead of watching tele. Well I've caught up on call the midwife now, I won't be missing anything....

I had forgotten I had that book I must look for it I remember it being really good. We all have blips and knowing the reason helps. I find stress = crisps and chocolate. I find that now I can see what I am doing I can sometimes stop it. You can do this! x
I am back and oh so focused on my weight loss this time!!!
I will be frightfully honest with you all, as I'm sure a lot if you know where I am coming from. I spent most of Sunday evening upset at the state of mine and hubbies sex life, wondering why he doesn't initiate stuff much. Well to be fair to him, the first thing I should have thought of if we both have a touch if cold and aren't really in the mood.
Yesterday morning I took my measurements and before photos - not connected to being upset with hubby - I had planned to take them a few days before. Well. Oh my god. I know I am overweight but I must have had my head in the sand as to how bad I look. I feel like my stomach is okish though with a spare tyre. In reality it's huge and droopy - think of how a woman looks a few HOURS after giving birth - that's me right now. About 3 years after labour!!! I have rolls of fat on my back that I seem to put to the back of my mind.
After taking all my measurements yesterday I really looked at them instead of just getting on with my day. I need to lose about 20inches off my waist to get to a healthy size - same goes for my hips!!! Eek!! Years ago I wrote down my measurements when I was a size 12 and I thought I was fat - I now can't find those measurements for love nor money but I think my waist was about 26" then!!
So it then dawned on me. Why would my husband have a longing to touch this? It's not like I'm a bit overweight with ample bosom and bum. I'm a walking tub of lard that wears layers of black clothing to cover up and hides under blankets.

I think I'm really going to do it thus time. The horrible photos of me are saved on my phone but they are also etched on my brain!! They are hideous. And that much abdominal fat is not doing my body any good. I had also been upset over the weekend because we've been trying for baby no 2 for nearly a year but my periods are nearly nonexistent. Is it any wonder, the amount of fat sitting on top of my ovaries?!
I think I need to re work my priorities. No point getting upset that someone else is pregnant and I'm not - I need to focus on losing weight first so that I'm actually healthy enough to carry another baby.

So. How am I going to do this? I've not really decided on an exact diet yet, I can't decide what to do for the best. But I definitely want to reduce my refined carb and sugar intake.
I'm sure my plan will evolve over time. I just need to remain focused!!!!!!