2017 is the year for shorts- watch this space!


Hi Everyone,

I'm new here and new to Slimming World. I've done weight watchers before and it's been great but I can't face the thought of tracking and counting at the moment. I wants something new to try so here I am.

I'm just going to follow the plan at home for now but if I really don't see results I might force myself to a class. I'd rather not though - I work full time and have two little girls aged 4 and 6 so my evenings are precious!

I decided to start a diary - mainly to keep track of my syns but also just to keep myself accountable and be honest with myself when things go wrong (like they did today!)

I don't have a huge amount to lose. Last time I weighed myself I was 11st 8lb although that was on Friday and I had a pretty bad weekend! I would love to get back to my pre-baby weight of 10st 7lb but my first target is to dip below the 11st mark.

Ok I've waffles on enough now so today's food - please don't judge - I'm a newbie!

Breakfast -
35g porridge oats (Hex B)
100 ml sugar free almond milk (half Hex A)
Frozen fruits of forest berries
1 tsp golden syrup (1 syn)


Bulgar wheat
Cherry toms
15g grated cheddar (half hex A)

Small Lindt chocolate (brought into the office! 2syns)


Thai prawn curry with brown rice and loads of veg - this is where it all went wrong though.... Hubby does all the cooking and I suspect used a whole tin of coconut milk which is 39 sins!!! (20 syns)


Toffee muller light

So 23 syns in total - disappointing
Excercise - 10miles cycling
Hi @Skinnyshoes ! Here to follow :) I'm doing SW from home too, and while it took a while to get into it the support on here has been great and I'm seeing results.

I'm sure the 10 miles cycling will have helped off set the extra syns yesterday, don't beat yourself up about it, just start afresh today and supervise the hubby when he's cooking!
Hi Heather - it's lovely to have someone reading my ramblings!

I almost didn't post today because dinner was off plan but that's not really the point of a food diary! My problem is that I work full time and my husband cooks dinner so that we can all sit down as a family and eat. He generally cooks healthily but it was my little girls first day of school today and he said she could choose what we had.....she chose pizza - of course I could have had something else.....


30g muesli (HexB)
Slice melon
Big scoop of fat free natural yogurt




Left over butter chicken with brocoli and rice (3 syns for sauce)
Mange tous




(Cringe) whole lidl thin crust pepperoni pizza- didn't even have any salad!!

One square dark chocolate (2 syns)

Almost a good day - sigh!!
Hi Heather - it's lovely to have someone reading my ramblings!

I almost didn't post today because dinner was off plan but that's not really the point of a food diary!

No it's not! You need to record everything, good and bad - it's really helped me. I'm inclined to forget the couple of biscuits I had etc if I don't write it down and think I'm being good when I'm not!

Don't worry about the pizza, these things happen, fresh day today. what's tonight's dinner plan?
Hi @Skinnyshoes! Welcome to the forum. This is such a fab place for support, inspirations and ideas (and the odd rant, when needed!) Good luck on your journey. And like Heather said, if you're acknowledging the bad, it's better than just ignoring it!
Ok so a lot more bad than good over the weekend but looking back I did make some good choices so will post as much as I can remember. One thing I love about slimming world is that you don't end up starving yourself because of mistakes you made earlier in the week. Better just to move on I think.

So Friday was a good day I think


30g Muesli with chopped banana and pear and fat free yogurt (Hexb)


entire punnet of strawberries eaten at my desk throughout the day


baked potato with beans (I had to ask for a small one some of our canteen potatoes are massive!) sprinkle of cheese (Hex b)


really lovely
Grilled Hake
New Potatoes
Mushrooms, green beans and brocoli


muller light
250ml white wine - it was 13% so 7 or 8 syns can't remember the rule now

Cycled 10 miles



30g Muesli with chopped nectarine and pear and fat free yogurt (Hex B)


Homemade sweet potato and carrot soup with half a slice of break - 3 syns


Brown pasta with left over tomato and veg sauce - sprinkle of cheese (HexA)


Jerk Chicken with mango salsa from the slimming world magazine - 1/2 a syn for lime juice - really delicious.
Homemade gaucamole - 5 syns

Pretty good day until I went to a friend's birthday party and drank all the champagne in the world!
I was feeling pretty rough on Sunday morning. Had a slimming world cooked breakfast but then ate two biscuits mid-afternoon. Then my parents arrived to take me out to dinner where I had a chilli dog with chips and baked waffles with ice cream for pudding. It was yummy!

Syns - thousands!
Monday - I'm so proud of myself for getting back on it after a heavy weekend! I had a really busy day at work and hadn't made lunch to take in with me so it could very easily have gone wrong.


museli, banna, apple, fat free yougrt (hexB)


Marks and Spencer smoked salmon, quinoa, prawn and cous cous salad without the dressing - there didn't seem to be anything bad in this!


Homemade spaghetti bologneise with sprinkle of cheese (hexA)


two small squares of chocolate- 4 syns
curly wurly - 6 syns

- wish I'd been a bit more restrained with the chocolate but it had been a tough day!

cycled 10 miles - my daily commute
Well done for getting back on it so quickly! I've had *considerably* worse weekends than that! Get yourself in the groove the rest of this week and you'll be well away :)
@Hev_Sparrow thank you - I've had three good days and feeling proud!


B: Frozen cherries and raspberries
30g muesli
Fat free yogurt

S: Apple

L: Mugshot
Hard Boiled egg
Muller light - I meant to have a proper lunch but was so busy at work I didn't get a chance to eat for ages and just had to grab this on the go.

S: pear

Dinner: grilled chicken, mushrooms, cauliflower, corn on the cob, tsp butter -2syns

S: curly wurly 6 syns
Muller light - I don't really like to have two of these a day but it was either this or more chocolate!!
Good, glad it's going better :) I hope you normally have better lunches than that though! If I had that I'd be reaching for the biscuits...
@Hev_Sparrow Oh I definitely do normally have better lunches - it was just a busy day. Mind you I didn't eat lunch until 3pm yesterday.... at least it was on plan!

So yesterday was o.k.

frozen cherries and forrest fruits, 30g muesli, fat free yogurt (Hexb)


Pear, skinny cappucino with sugar free syrup (1/2 Hexa)


Homemade smoked salmon quiche (this was so delicious) 1/2 Hexa for cheese on top
steamed cabbage
corn on the cob




Homemade chilli with wild rice


Curly wurly - 6 syns
Cereal bar - 3 syns

Usual 10 mile cycle.

I'm a bit annoyed with myself about the cereal bar - I had it right before bed and I could have just said no but because I was still under my syns I indulged, why?

Weigh in tomorrow morning - I'm not really expecting a loss!
I'm a bit annoyed with myself about the cereal bar - I had it right before bed and I could have just said no but because I was still under my syns I indulged, why?

Weigh in tomorrow morning - I'm not really expecting a loss!

Don't worry, it takes a little while to get out of the "treat yourself" mentality. I used to be like you, not hungry, just bored, easily could have said no, but am under my syns so why not? But now I think a bit more - do I actually want this or am I eating for the sake of it? And save my syns for actual treats that I actually want. I haven't had chocolate all week, that's something of a personal best!

Let me know how eigh in goes this morning, fingers crossed for you!