Hello, for those reading I’ve just posted a bit about my back ground over on the introductions section.
I will be posting my food here daily, including how I’ve found my day emotionally -something my fitness pal doesn’t give me.
I am aiming to loose 6lbs by xmas. A challenge I know - well for me anyway. My body seems to want to hold onto every gram of fat!
To help me achieve this, I’m setting myself mini goals to keep me on track, I’ll document these here too to keep me accountable!
This weeks goals are
1. 2 litres of water each day
2. No coffee after 2pm
3. 2 extra cardio sessions ( plus my 2 personal training sessions)
4. Stay under 1700 calories each day
5. Meet protein goal each day
I’m not following any specific ‘diet’ per se, just trying to remain flexible, within my calorie limit. This I find a challenge, with weight watchers I used to be able to just catergorise foods into A. Things that are worth the points (back then primarily vodka and red bull
- I was 19!) B. Things that are not worth the points (ice cream, pizza - neither of which I touched for 2 years)
Healthy food shop done this morning, currently all M&S ready to go stuff, as I get into the swing of it I will cook and prep my own food. Really enjoy cooking, however with butter and oil and carbs..not really surprising how the tyres have appeared. I should mention I’m a complete foodie, my other half actually can’t believe how much my face lights up when it comes to food, talking or eating
Anyway, rambled on for long enough!
Wish me luck!
I will be posting my food here daily, including how I’ve found my day emotionally -something my fitness pal doesn’t give me.
I am aiming to loose 6lbs by xmas. A challenge I know - well for me anyway. My body seems to want to hold onto every gram of fat!
To help me achieve this, I’m setting myself mini goals to keep me on track, I’ll document these here too to keep me accountable!
This weeks goals are
1. 2 litres of water each day
2. No coffee after 2pm
3. 2 extra cardio sessions ( plus my 2 personal training sessions)
4. Stay under 1700 calories each day
5. Meet protein goal each day
I’m not following any specific ‘diet’ per se, just trying to remain flexible, within my calorie limit. This I find a challenge, with weight watchers I used to be able to just catergorise foods into A. Things that are worth the points (back then primarily vodka and red bull

Healthy food shop done this morning, currently all M&S ready to go stuff, as I get into the swing of it I will cook and prep my own food. Really enjoy cooking, however with butter and oil and carbs..not really surprising how the tyres have appeared. I should mention I’m a complete foodie, my other half actually can’t believe how much my face lights up when it comes to food, talking or eating
Anyway, rambled on for long enough!
Wish me luck!