25 and just getting fatter and fatter! Please HELP me! Before Im double doors sideway

hes the boss... lol x
Hi Emma :wavey:

Just read through your diary. Sorry to hear things are bad at work. Wow makes it so difficult when the boss is the problem, you poor thing :(

Glad things are going really well with the boy. Sounds as if you are made to be together, he seems to treat you like you deserve, taking you out for lovely meals & everything :)

How's you mum doing? Hope she is fully recovered after her illness last year. You seem really close to each other, which is so lovely.

Hello my lovelies, its so nice to log on and find you've popped in and left me a message!
Paulam - I know its ridiculous at this rate there will be no one left in the office! But just got to keep going and hope things calm down.

Emmster - what a lovely message! I love him to bits I know I rant about him and he does my head in but hes so lovely really!
my mums still poorly one and off but majorly better now thank you. Yes we are very close after a rather horrible last 10 years with my dad we are now FREEEEEEEEEEE lol.

Tata - WELL DONE!!!!! yaaaaaaaaaay you!

Confession time.... so my bad mood = baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad food.

Yesterday I had a Tesco white sandwich with egg mayo AND crisps!
Then after my appointment last night I was driving home at 9pm!!! And ended up getting a Chinese , satay the worst kind AND prawn crackers AND spring rolls. Im not even bothered it was AMAZING!
Then the boy took me to a greasy spoon this morning before work (Emmster o how he spoils me lol ) and I had a sausage sandwich AND a hashbrown!

Ive also just rang to pay the balance of the holiday off and discovered we actually go on the 1st not the 2nd as I thought!!!!!!!!
o dear... 2lbs on.... deserved....
boo hiss boo
Booo to those pesky 2lb :( It was good that you went to WI though, as now you can draw a line and start the new week afresh. You'll get them off again in no time! Hope work is a bit better next week too. At least it's Friday afternoon & nearly the weekend :) Woo hoo! Got much planned?

hello sorry dropped off the planet. Had a ***** time the boys car broke so Ive been having to take him to and from work, he works shifts so either 6am or 11pm not good when ive then got my 12 hour day in the middle. Ive eaten rubbish or not eaten at all as things have got more stressful at work and sort of at home but that's due to my dad and as you all know hes not the nicest.

Friday I had a bottle of wine, a Tesco ham sandwich and a crumpet.
Sat I had a SW breakfast, but then had a McDonalds.
Sun I had a sausage sandwich (SW friendly) then a home cooked sunday dinner, again SW friendly.
Mon, alpen bar, then a pub lunch of mince, dumpling, veg and chips (baaaaaaaaaaad) THEN pub tea of tuna melt and chips (BAD) THEN a small glass of wine!!!!
Tue - Ive had beans on toast....

URGHHH Im in such a mood, the atmosphere is horrible!!! x
wondering if I *d that word out or if the forum did...?x
The forum did I'd say.... How are you feeling today? Have you started looking for another job? Really don't think I could stick that if I were you. I didn't make WI last night..... Was prob up anyway.... Somebody slap me back into shape will you?
Aww huni *hugs*

Sorry to hear you're having such a tough time :( You are doing well to even part stick to SW - with that much stress & hassle going on I would have consumed my body weight in wine & chocolate by now. Hope things get easier soon.

thanks ladies - its lovely of you to be so supportive!
Things are just very up in the air. Im not sure what to do, I love my job just don't like the atmosphere.
Its hard to raise the problem, as its not what hes said or even the way hes said it. Its that he ignores me, totally blanks me. Then its like what do I say "yours not talking to me" it just sounds pathetic! x
Hey Emma. How's things going? Has the job settled at all? Sw wise bad few weeks for me. I need someone to hit me over the head and knock some sense into me.
Hi no things are just getting worse.
I think im bordering on depression.
Its just all worse n worse. Im sick to death. If I leave I wont get the money they owe me and as its about 7k I need it and cant afford to just walk away but itll be months till its ready. I just don't know what to do.
All ive done is eat rubbish and I cant even say Ive enjoyed it im just sick sick sick.
I just don't know. Its complicated with me being self employed.
Im just miserable and getting fatter and fatter. Im back in size 16 dresses and theyre now tight, a few weeks ago I was happily in a size 14x
Is anyone there?
Im coming crawling back if I dare after nearly putting it all back on! x
Hey Emma, i just read your post and wanted to say welcome back, well done for making it back! I haven't read through your diary, will do that later, but the most important step is to make the decision to commit to it again. Although this is my first time on SW, I have been there so many times of losing some, then re-gaining it all especially when life got really tough.
If you have done it before, you can do it again, tell yourself all the reasons why you want to lose weight and think just how much better you feel in yourself every day that you stick to plan. That's what I find helps me big time. When I've had a hard day and all I want is to get my teeth into something sweet and fattening, I just imagine how I would feel about myself afterwards. Or the next day.
So are you re-starting today? Or have you re-started already? Either way, I wish you the best of luck, you can do it!
Im trying to get my mind in the right place - if you do happen to read through my diary you will see that ive had an awful time and for any of my old faithfulls I LEFT I ESCAPED! But not before I piled on loads of weight.
The new company is lovely but im split between 2 offices at the moment the one im at 3 days a week everyone is on SW or WW so that makes it easier to be good for at least some of the day! Although I feel like im living on uncle bens rice pouches its better than sandwich crisps pop and then a chocy later - god the guilt from just typing it!!

Im planning on starting to sort out my breakfasts this week - mini toast this morning so that was good!

Love to BBS for all the kind words - small steps at a time! XX