25 and just getting fatter and fatter! Please HELP me! Before Im double doors sideway

Had them all separately as the morning was so byay I didn't have time to have a proper breakfast. Fruit just doesn't fill you on its own so I was starving when I sat down to my pasta. Just finished! You should weigh your takeaway the next time just to see how much is in that tin. I just assume the book has the right amount of syns. I'm really nervous about my niece's birthday party. I can't say no when there is chocolate, buns, sandwichs and chips etc all around me.
I know I will have to weigh it as I just thought the syns in the book would have been per portion of Chinese lol which really I guess is daft as they will all come in different sizes.
O well.

I know what you mean, could you make a pasta salad and a quiche and take them with you for the buffet and have big portions of that then if you have a few chips its not a big deal?
Well I'll be over there early helping with stuff so I thought if I had a good breakfast and brought a tub of fruit with me that even if I do eat rubbish at least I won't be eating it the whole day. Normally I'm starving and eating stuff before the kids even arrive fir the party.
I think you should make yourself a buffet - chicken legs, quiche, salad, pasta salad, potato salad, cuts of meat - theyre all normal things youd find on a buffet so you could make them for everyone. Then youll be full from safe food and can just have a few bits of naughtiness or no savory and a piece of cake?

TO fill you in the weekend wasn't really a success as planned...

Friday I made tea according to plan, chilli salmon with noodles, babycorn and mangetout it was really nice.

Saturday morning I had hoops on toast (2x400g HEB) and some grated lowlow on - was gorgeous
Then... I sort of had a mcdonalds.... I don't know why I did it, it was only when Id finished it that I thought ooooooo lol. It was nice though so at least that's something.
THEN!!! I went out on Saturday night.... to a wedding do.... with the ex..... I drank, o how I drank! 2 bottles of white wine and some cider later I was very drunk, I didn't eat the food which in my head was wise.... I was then sick, very very sick.....

Sunday morning I made bacon, egg and beans with 1 400g toast - I ate it but it took forever.
I was then meeting some friends for a drink, we all turned up very hungover, drank gallons of diet pepsi then someone decided wed get food.... Frankie and Bennys... I knew I should of ordered gammon and JP but I didn't.... I made a different, bad choice, it wasn't nice so I ate the chips so could of been worse I guess.
Tea me and the mum decided on a takeaway.... BUT I ordered a grilled chicken shish kebab with lettuce, onion and cucumber. I did have garlic sauce but only a little bit.

Overall not a great weekend but better than it could have been I guess... think its just wishfull thinking.

Back in the zone this morning, toffee magic pancakes, yogurt and banana. (1/2 HEB)
Ham, spinach and lowlow sandwich with baked star crisps and banan (1/2 HEB + 4 syns 1 piece bread + 5 syns crisps = 9syns!) Waste of syns but in a rush this morning.
Not sure about tea but maybe spicy parmo, chips and salad - I cant get my head around veg and parmo.
subscribing :)
Hi Em,
Just catching up on your diary as I've been away with work for over a week. My advice to you now is to just totally wipe the slate clean and start again (like you already have done this morning)

Plan your meals for this week and your syns, then you know what you've got to look forward too :)

Oh, did you keep any of your clothes that you wore to your first weigh in? If so, try them on again! That'll give you the motivation that you need for the slim girl to get out you.

You're still doing so, so well. You WILL get back into the 13's at your next weigh in.
wow well after 2hrs of reading this thread im sat blubbering like a baby :(
I have had so many ups and downs over the years with diets but finaly got to my target of 11st11lb HOWEVER I then got into a relationship and we'd have cosy nights in, takeaays, cinemas, resturantes etc etc (you get the drift) and after 4 years we split, I used to txt him just to get a reply, id text to say how ill I was (even when I was just headache) just to get sympathy/affection etc.
this carried on for well over a year until hes got with someone else which broke my heart but MADE me move on. I still love him and when im out in the town hes lives in I always make sure ive done my hair (yes im weird lol)
so today I have started slimming world, I got on the scales and cried when it said 16st1lb. ive sat crying through group, cried when they welcomed me with a clap and then cried coming home. ive then read this thread and cried. im guessing you get the drift im upset??
ive sat and meal planned from tomorrow as then I can go shopping tomorrow when I get paid, ive had beans on toast for breakfast and a yogurt for snack. really don't know what to do for dinner or tea :(
reading your posts emma I honestly could have written them all at some point over the past 2yrs.
im now in another relationship but not happy I think i'll wait until im skinny thn leave as I don't want to be alone, and lease don't all jump on me and tell me how wrong it is of me to think tht but its only today ive thought that and mybe its because im so down at the minute.
ive been looking through petes recipe book and cant wait to start cooking tomorrow but im so nervous.
I hope you don't mind me joining here but though as we sound so similar maybe we could help each other?
Mission thinpossible, well done for joining back again. You've made it to your target once. You'll do it again. I'm 33, I've been very overweight since I was about 8 and I've never made it to target. 14 and a half stone being the lowest I've weighed since I passed it on the way up in my early teens. Today is a new start for you. Oh and by the way... I'm on my own. Its not that bad. Better to be happy on your own than miserable with someone. But as you said maybe its just cause you are so upset about everything that you are feeling that way. Wait til you are in a better frame of mind before you do anything in that respect!
Hello ladies - how was the trip away Emma, did you manage ok?
I like the thought about trying on old clothes but back then I lived in stretchy things, with the thought process of "I can get them on they must fit" Pah ha ha how untrue that was.
I wear the same dress nearly every weigh in now and can really tell the difference.
THANK YOU for believing in me - come on 13s!!

Hello MissionI! You might feel different when you drop some weigh and feel happier, don't make any rash decisions when your feeling emotional. I totally get the crying - as you've read I cried lots on my weigh in! Theres loads of yummy things to try but you need to eat more!!

Of course we don't mind you joining - the more the merrier its just me ranting away - I know what I should and shouldn't be doing but I seem to do it anyway.
I keep trying to remember that ive come really far and even with the recent gains Im still 2 stone 2 and a half pound down from where I was.
Forgot to mention that I only had 15 mins to get ready for the DO long story - but I pulled on a dress I bought ages ago but never wore and thought of I actually look ok/nice in this - when I got my mum to take the tags off it was a size 14!!! Then when the Ex picked me up he said I looked GORGEOUS yes yes the G word - I was very casual about it and like O thanks. Mwah ha ha. I will be slim soon!!!

COME ON 13s!!
You must have felt great when your ex told you that you looked gorgeous! And I'd say you were thrilled when your mam told you the dress was. 14! Well I did a bit of damage at the party yesterday. Although not nearly as much as I would usually do. Had a slice of the chocolate cake. The main problem was eating too many sandwiches. I made them though so there was only a scraping if butter on them. I know the bread is a killer but its done now. Great day though. And the cake went down really well. I was very proud of it!
aahh thankyou so much for replying, I usually am a thread killer I reply and the thread dries up :(
im not going to make any decision yet as I would hate to make the wrong decision due to being upset.
wow a 14 im in a 20 at the minute and desperate to get into an 18 as these are sooo tight I can barely breathe sometimes.

I agree I need to eat more, it got to 1.30 and I was ravenous so had a quick chicken salad wi lighter than light mayo.
my tea meal planner is...
tues. fish pie, peas and broccoli
weds. meatballs and tagliatelli (mushrooms, tomatos and garlic)
thurs. mushy pea curry and rice
fri. pork stir fry (munge tout, sweetcorn)
sat. Chinese chicken, jacket and salad
sun. chicken dinner and trimmings
does that all sound ok please? or am I not eating enough free foods?
Paulam!!! Well done on being so good - just think you could of gone crazy and you didn't! Bet the cake was lush if you made it my dear!

Yes I was totes over the moon - did a secret little dance and everything. The dress was a really thick stretchy material (sounds horrific but wasn't!) so it sucked me in and made me look curvy rather than just fat. wooopwooop

MissionI - don't you worry Im always on here chatting away so fear not! I was a big size 18 when I started and if I can slim down anyone can! Plus you got all the way down to the 11s!! You CAN do it.

The meals sound good - Im rubbish at getting my 1/3 superfree but you sounds like you've got it all totally covered. Im terrible as youll have read, I make plans, I write it down.... then it just doesn't happen! No excuse Im just rubbish lol.

I feel like Im obsessed with spicy lowlow pasta at the min which is obv no good cos although free its got no superfree in unless I add the leeks and onions but that's hardly great is it lol.

Paulam Im still having sandwiches for lunch and its going well but hard missing the bread on a morning but def not wasting syns again on a spare piece of bread pfffffft silly me!
I was in Germany for my trip and there was a great selection of food to chose from so I tried my best to stay on track, suppose the scales will reveal all tomorrow night.

That's great that you wear the same dress to weigh-in and are feeling the difference (A good piece of advice that actaully, well noted haha) if you have any old photos that you don't like of yourself... Look at them when you're feeling down and just realise how far you've come! :D

Remember that compliment from your ex too, there's just plenty more to come in the future.
emma do you use the spicy low low as a "he a" or is it just free?
other emma lol, I did that last night took a photo of myself as my starting point and have a photo of me at my lowest on my notice board for inspiration.
im rubbish with snacking if I know I have naughty food in (theres currently a kitkat chunky in my cupboard) I NEED it :)
the sw consultant told me to in all bad food but I couldn't bear to waste food like that so will leave it there until next Monday after weigh in for a treat, or could have half for 6.5 syns over 2 days
That's good then that you could stay pretty much in control. Huge good luck and make sure you let us know how you get on! I was just looking at your statistics and you've done amazingly well! over 4 stone off! WELL DONE!!!

Im such an emotional weigh-er that I cant chance my outfit being the cause of a loss or gain so I wear the same thing- I bet the people at my group thing im a right scruffy c*w lol!

I use it as HEA - half a tub is your allowance. I HATE cheese spread but LOVE lowlow its just gorgeous!

You don't NEED it at all - think what you could have for 13 syns!!! beef and mushroom from the Chinese (4.5) AND chicken chow mein (8 syns) now really is the KitKat worth all of that?! Nope - step away from the KitKat!
Have a curly wurly instead (6??) or a freddo (5) or mini fudge (5)
BUT if you really do NEED to eat it then like you say have it for a treat but remember your eating nearly a full days syns so make sure you savour it - dip it in a cuppa!!!
God sorry Ive just read that back and sound like a crazy person! MissionI you have it if you want it - ignore me ranting on. What the hell do I know I ate a McDonalds!
haha im sat here giggling lol
im not going to eat it, I thought about maybe cutting it up into 4 pieces and having it over 4 days as I LOVE chocolate (my mouths now watering)
I always feel like people think im crazy, at weigh in this morning everyone was looking at me crying felt a right idiot. me and the consultant didn't really seem to hit it off she got rather annoyed at me asking questions before (she did a talk through with me on how to do it before I got weighed) when asked questions she tutted and rolled her eyes and then at the end she said is that all ok then and I said oh can I just ask can I use 1 Weetabix and 1 alpen bar/hifi bars she just got up shook her head and laughed :(
sorry ive realised im moaning non stop :( i'll try and be positive on your thread x
I'd change to a different group if the consultant is like that. She doesn't sound very helpful at all! How are you supposed to know if you don't ask questions? And you can moan all you like. We all have days like that. I'm a chocolate addict too. Although I have to say the cravings aren't nearly as bad these days. I'm going on hols this day week.... I'll probably have the whole 12lb I've lost put back on by then.