25 stone to 19 stone in 8 months.

Would never suggest going cold turkey on good sugars such as fructose (fruit and veg) and complex carbs because our body is designed to eat them! Sucrose and added sugars are the offending substances, especially when mixed with fat. So chocolates, ice cream, sugary drinks, anything with added chemical sugar that our body is not designed to metabolise.

Nobody can argue that eating Real Food and no c-r-@-p is the perfect way. That't the standard set, which we start off aiming for. It's just that some of us find we can't stick to a diet for years without having a little junk treat every day.

When it comes to weight gain, fructose and sucrose are exactly the same, of course. They both cause insulin spikes. And both are outlawed on a ketogenic diet for that reason.

I'm very glad to have you on board Essie. We are a similar height and weight, which helps us to relate to one another.

It's marvellous to get this mix on Minimins ... women who are just starting, women who are 5st lighter, 10st lighter. Each of us plays a role in each other's journey.

Helena x

Yesterday I had no chocolate.
Just didn't feel like it. Illness is a great boon to slimming. (Every cloud etc.)

Met personal trainer. She's dropped from 23st to 13st in 4 years. I am very impressed. And it makes me jealous, and it also makes me feel huge regret. If I'd stayed strict since 2010, I would be 13st now not 24stone. She's a bit fierce and stern, has a lot of rules you have to sign and comply with. However, maybe this is just what I need. Someone too touchy-feely and soft might not push me enough. To force myself to commit I paid her upfront for 12 sessions. We can't start right away as I am ill, so scheduled first session for next Friday. I have only left the house three times this year, just to pop to the local shop/bank 3 minutes walk away, but she is going to take me twice a week to a park and make me walk and stuff. Scary! Curiously, she is currently the water aerobics instructor at the same pool in which I do water aerobics. We haven't met because I deliberately avoid going when the class is on, as I like to do it alone to my own music and own routine.

Thanks everyone for your continued interest and support. I love you all!
Hi Helena - PMA - excellent stuff! Have you read the blog written by Weight Loss B.I.T.C.H

I must have tried and failed to give up at least 50 times and that's no exaggeration. But I refused to stop trying and one day it clicked.

Thank you SO MUCH for that! I have never heard of her! Bloody hell! The challenge she has taken on makes my weight loss problem seem like child's play. I expect I will spend all of today reading her blog, and not get any work done whatsoever!


Re the smoking. In my circle of acquaintance, everyone who gave up did not succeed at the first time of trying. It took me a year, then, like you say, something clicked, and I had my last fag in April 1987 after 14 years. If I can do that, I can do this!
Hi Helena, I've always had that attitude too re; the smoking.
It took me several attempts before I actually gave up cigarettes for good. Why would my weight loss be any different? Each attempt is a practise run for the real event and I learn something each time!
hi just spent a long time reading your diary , really good read and some fabulous inspirational advice from people x
loving the PMA by the end x
i too have a lot to lose more than you :sigh: but we will do this x i step at a time ,doesn't matter how long it takes as long as we don't give up xx

Thank you Mandy and welcome to my page. Feel free to drop in anytime. Looked at your stats ... 28 stone ... a bit more than I was at my top weight of 26 stone 9 so I can totally relate to you. Many congrats on dropping your BMI by over 3 points. Please "friend" me and let's stick together. I love making new friends on this long journey.

Love, Helena x
I just stole this from the b*i*t*c*h blog. I really wish it was not called that. It hurts me to call her that. Must find out her real name!

"There are many reasons why it is important to drink water, especially if you are dieting:

Initial weight loss is largely due to loss of water, and you need to drink an adequate amount of water in order to avoid dehydration.

The process of burning calories requires an adequate supply of water in order to function efficiently; dehydration slows down the fat-burning process.

Burning calories creates toxins (think of the exhaust coming out of your car), and water plays a vital role in flushing them out of your body.

Dehydration causes a reduction in blood volume; a reduction in blood volume causes a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles; and a reduction in the supply of oxygen to your muscles can make you feel tired.

Water helps maintain muscle tone by assisting muscles in their ability to contract, and it lubricates your joints. Proper hydration can help reduce muscle and joint soreness when exercising.

A healthy (weight loss) diet includes a good amount of fibre. But while fibre is normally helpful to your digestive system, without adequate fluids it can cause constipation instead of helping to eliminate it.

Drinking water with a meal may make you feel full sooner and therefore satisfied eating less. Note, however, that drinking water alone may not have this effect. In order to feel satiated (not hungry), our bodies need bulk, calories and nutrients.

Water is also fabulous for that nasty bloated stomach feeling and constipation. It helps flush the system…acting like a natural lubricant. It’s worth trying before resorting to prune juice anyway!

I drink nothing but water and rarely suffer from bathroom issues – which seem to be a popular topic during Slimming World talks…once the ladies and gents up their water intake, these issues generally sort themselves out.

How much water should you drink?

You have probably heard that you should drink eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. How much water you actually need depends on your weight, level of activity, the temperature and humidity of your environment, and your diet. Your diet makes a difference because if you eat plenty of water-dense foods like fruits and vegetables your need to drink water will be diminished. You can do some research and use a calculator and measuring cup if you like, but nature’s pretty good at letting you know the right amount to drink.

When you drink enough water, your urine will usually be pale yellow, though vitamin supplements and antibiotics can discolour it. On the other hand, you shouldn’t need to run to the bathroom too frequently. When in doubt, drink a little more.

Do not worry that drinking water will give your body a bloated look. There are a number of causes of water retention, including consuming too much salt. But drinking water is not one of them."
Great going on signing up with the PT, I hope you have great success with her. :)

The thing I'd say about the hydration issue is that it doesn't have to be water. If you like water, great, drink it. I can't personally stand the stuff, so never drink it, but that doesn't mean I'm not sufficiently hydrated, I just get all mine from hot drinks. What I'd say is drink plenty but not too much, and drink what you enjoy (as long as it's not full of calories of course!). :) xx
glad your more positive helena x xx
Great going on signing up with the PT, I hope you have great success with her. :)

The thing I'd say about the hydration issue is that it doesn't have to be water. If you like water, great, drink it. I can't personally stand the stuff, so never drink it, but that doesn't mean I'm not sufficiently hydrated, I just get all mine from hot drinks. What I'd say is drink plenty but not too much, and drink what you enjoy (as long as it's not full of calories of course!). :) xx

Cheers, Tracy, mate! I was just hunting for my weighing machine printout jpgs when I stumbled across some photos of you! Great motivational pics!

Funny you should say that about water. I've just made myself my second pint of hot fruit tea this morning:

Non-caffeine fruit infusion tea bags (any) I used strawberry
Squeeze fresh lemon juice
Boiling water
Fizzy water (17p for 2l Tesco)

Method: fill a pint glass to about 1/2 to 2/3 full, with the teabag(s).
Add lemon
Remove teabag(s) after swishing about a bit
Top up with fizzy water

It's wonderful! Do try it!
sorry duplicated
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Found this old pic of weighing machine printout showing me at 26 stone 2 (which is 366 pounds, how I got my username) and then down to 24-4 by August 2013.

Sadly, I am today 24-4, same as in 2013.
I had dieted down to 23 stone 8 (330lb) by Nov 2014. Fell off the wagon and messed up big time.
Regained 14lb by Jan 2015... to 24st 4 (340lb).

On way back down now.

I just weighed myself and I am 339.8 that's after breakfast and fully dressed. So I guess that would be about 336 naked. That means I have deffo lost weight in the last 2 weeks, as I was 340 naked then.

I'll weigh naked tomorrow morning.


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Your forgetting to celebrate that you maintained the original weight loss for a long time! You're not back to your heaviest so it's not a fail.

I put on 14 lbs over November and December last year too ...
Met personal trainer. To force myself to commit I paid her upfront for 12 sessions. We can't start right away as I am ill, so scheduled first session for next Friday. I have only left the house three times this year, just to pop to the local shop/bank 3 minutes walk away, but she is going to take me twice a week to a park and make me walk and stuff.

OMG Helena this is brilliant, I am so uber proud of you!!!! You've done something I have been telling myself I should do for years but not had the guts, and I'm so excited for you. I know it will be really challenging at times, but don't get mad with her if she seems a bit tough when you maybe don't want to hear it - just take lots of deep breaths and remind yourself what she can do, you can too! (I committed to 12 weeks on SW, and I really think that has made all the difference for me).

I sense such a wonderful sea change in your outlook, hun, it is really uplifting to read! :D xxx

And I'm going to try the herbal tea with soda water, sounds lovely :)
In what sense is it hard to walk, Helena? Do you mean that you get out of breath quickly/are achy etc, or just that you feel bloated? I have had a lot of trouble recently with thigh chafing due to my weight, so I've been slathering the E45 on and some topical creams and it seems to have done a lot of good. Maybe it might work for you too if chafing is a problem?
Your forgetting to celebrate that you maintained the original weight loss for a long time! You're not back to your heaviest so it's not a fail.

I put on 14 lbs over November and December last year too ...

Yay! I have NOT gone back up to 26 stone 2.

I feel better knowing that I am not the only backslider!
OMG Helena this is brilliant, I am so uber proud of you!!!! You've done something I have been telling myself I should do for years but not had the guts, and I'm so excited for you. I know it will be really challenging at times, but don't get mad with her if she seems a bit tough when you maybe don't want to hear it - just take lots of deep breaths and remind yourself what she can do, you can too! (I committed to 12 weeks on SW, and I really think that has made all the difference for me).

I sense such a wonderful sea change in your outlook, hun, it is really uplifting to read! :D xxx

And I'm going to try the herbal tea with soda water, sounds lovely :)

Thanks Susie darling for being proud of me.

Although I am the independent, stroppy type who hates taking orders, for this 6 weeks I am going to do exactly as I am told, to the best of my ability. It's only 12 sessions, and if I don't like her I can switch to someone else after that.

DO try the fruit tea with fizzy water (not soda, just sparkling water 17p for 2l) the reason is, the fizz brings out the flavour of the tea.

I have to have a trans-vaginal ultrasound tomorrow at 9am. Ugh, it sounds awful!

I thought of going by bus but sod it I'm gonna cab it there and back. I'm worth it!
In what sense is it hard to walk, Helena? Do you mean that you get out of breath quickly/are achy etc, or just that you feel bloated? I have had a lot of trouble recently with thigh chafing due to my weight, so I've been slathering the E45 on and some topical creams and it seems to have done a lot of good. Maybe it might work for you too if chafing is a problem?

Sole of feet hurt
Knees hurt
Back hurts
Hips hurt
Get out of breath really quickly, mainly because I always either have a chest infection or am recovering from one (like now)
Chafing (creams make it worse)
General feelings of desperately wanting to stop walking
General feelings of desperately wanting to sit down
Sole of feet hurt Knees hurt Back hurts Hips hurt Get out of breath really quickly, mainly because I always either have a chest infection or am recovering from one (like now) Chafing (creams make it worse) General feelings of desperately wanting to stop walking General feelings of desperately wanting to sit down

I'm sorry if this is terrible but the last 2 really made me laugh! I can totally relate! X
After six months of almost complete physical inactivity, punctuated by episodes of terrible asthma attacks, today I had my first (of 12) sessions with my newly-engaged personal trainer Serena! It was bloody hard to get started, but we walked a mile along the seafront in the brilliant sunshine, and I didn't die! This is for her. Next session: Monday.

Question: how many calories did I burn up walking a mile? I know it's related to weight, and my weight is about 335lb.
