Grumpy Space Princess
oh my glob
Oh, it's always so difficult to eat well when you feel under the weather.
Looks like you did well, though! Hope you're on the mend now! xx
So a little rant that im sure will make me sound like a horrible person but I need to get it off my chest...
As ive said id struggled with the decision of whether to do SW or SnS and decided to do a week on SW and see how I get on. Thing is im really struggling feeling like I wont have lost anything and doubting myself already which is why as much as I really want a sneaky look at the scales before Monday morning I daren't as if I haven't lost or its only 1lb ill just sack it off cry, feel worse then eat - viscious cycle!
Then my cousin whos same height as me but few years ago lost loads of weight and is now about a 12/14 clothes size text me to say shes started sw and had first weigh in last night and has lost 7lbs!!!! Now I know I should be happy for her and I KNOW I should be but im not, Im annoyed lol. I feel like ill of lost nothing and im soooo much biggr than her and shes moved back in with her mum but her mum makes everything n- literally she gets up on a morning and her mums put Weetabix out for her, made her a salad for lunch or homemade soup and a mid morning and afternoon snack then she comes home to her tea made. Yes yes its jealousy and im a horrible person. But you know when you just feel like things come easy to some people its like shes got her own personal chef shes not having to do anything or make the good choices grrrrr lol.
Ok rant over, please don't hate me
its just frustrating sometimes isn't itI need to stop beating myself up and just keep trying x
thank you lovelies I DONT know why im in such a foul mood at the moment but I am however trying to stay positive that I haven't turned to food or a night out yet lol ive even declined afternoon drinks tomorrow as I want to have an onplan week, like I keep saying I just need to get a week under my belt lol.
Your right of course you cant compare and there will be ppl heavier than me losing less than whatever I lose too im sure and I shouldn't get moody before I even know what ive lost lol MUST KEEP GOING.
I think the general rule is 1 syn per 20 calories? So you can guesstimate that way if you can't find the syns for something.I think I saw a thread on SW forum in which they calculate the syns for you if you post the nutritional information.