

Silver Member
Ok this has really upset me, I've just been told by a vegan that I can't love animals cos I eat meat! I actually am hysterical how dare he! I love animals so much and do alot for them I've never judged people's life styles! I actually now see dead animals in my fridge :( x
I think its natural to judge and everyone has their own opinions, its alright for them to think that but of course but you don't have to accept what they said as true. Personally I would just take it with a pinch of salt if you disagree with their statement. As you said you are an animal lover who doesn't think that eating animals means you don't love them. I hope you gave them your opinion too!
Hey Hunnie I am a vegetarian and NEVER question anyones love of animals
my husband eats meat we just try to ensure its produced as ethically as possible

does that vegan not know that if we all went vegetarian there would not be enough food on the planet to feed us

hold your head high and know that he is a prat (am I allowed to call him that)

H xx
***Actually there would be enough food for us if everyone turned veggie, the biomass (amount of food/water) needed to support a growing cow (from birth to slaughter maturity) is about equal to one years supply of grain for a family. The majority of grains go towards feeding the animals rather than humans, which also consume more water needed than to grow grains. Being a vegetarian is actually good for the environment compared to eating meat products.

And, As a veggie, He is stupid. I know plenty of people who eat meat but still love animals - I don't judge them for it, I think though however that some people who eat meat but claim to be animal lovers really should look into where there produce comes from and source it from ethical means. If someone however turned around to me and said should I become a veggie/vegan? I ofc would say they should. Its not only good for the environment/animals but its good for yourself. Your body is 70% water - Vegatables are 70% water, Makes sense eh?

Don't be hysterical, Its your life - but if you are concerned about what you eat meat wise, just look at where it comes from, or cut parts of it out.
Xyls there are 7 billion people on the planet there physically wouldn't be enough land mass to grow that amount of food aswell as allowing animals land farms are already growing into the green belt of this country and don't worry girls I did give him my opinion! Lol arsehole! Doesn't half annoy me I get ethically produced meat and eggs etc would never eat veal or venison, mostly eat chicken from the local butcher, just feel insulted! Bleargh! Lol x
And the earth is 30% land mass with city's covering 5% and dessert 10% not to mention unsuitable farm land, so where would we find enough farm land for 7 billion people? Along with been friendly to animals?! Just saying that makes me feel like I'm a bad person!
There is plenty of landmass to produce non meat foods, farm animals actually take up more space due to grazing patterns, how much room is required per animal, having to move them from field to field to provide enough grass etc, on top of that you need to think about the amount of grain being used feed the animals, which is a lot more than we humans need to consume.

For example, soybeans are having to be created genetically modified just to sustain live stock production (currently 50% of GM soybeans go towards livestock, and thats just GM, not organic soybeans) in the EU as there are too many animals and too little food to feed both them as us. That is just the EU as well, figures from america and asia are still being collected.

Look at china, 2 billion people and they self stain their rice crops. This is what I study at university lol.
I'll give you the china thing lol! it would be nice if stores stopped stocking so much meat, so much of it gets thrown away! and it makes me so mad, i eat the meat in my freezer/fridge even if its gone off because i feel that bad haha (not mouldy just out of date abit) and all my eggs are farm raised "happy eggs" i only eat expensive british standard farm raised meat, and even then you have to be careful of were it comes from! Sainsburys seem to be animal friendly, they dont stock battery meat or eggs than goodness Asda do, i saw an article today about Jersey male calves been slaughtered after been born for no reason because theres no market for them! makes me think of switching to soya milk! if it tatses ok i certainly will, all this GM'ing animals aint right tho, and artificial insemination poor cows, the GM soya beans sound like a waste! makes me want beans now :p
I want beans really bad, cucumber ain't sustaining me at all :( or some nice carrots, i do love me some carrots.

ye, dairy farms normally do slaughter male calfs as they are useless to both the dairy and can't get much from being sold because of being a different type of cow.

interesting fact, 2 billion extra turkeys at christmas are killed and not used. thats a lot of turkeys :<. My boyfriend turned veggie just because of the environmental impacts of keeping up all those animals, it makes him feel good about himself or something :p
haha yer im seriously considering switching to a vegetarian, never be able to be a vegan! lol maybe a vegetarian who eats fish and shellfish every now and again because its my main weakness lol, its not the diets that people follow so much as the idiots slaughtering and rearing too many animals that just DONT get eaten! im sorry but why dont they raise the minimum number of those poor animals and then if people cant get a turket its tough! chicken is just as good or a beef joint, even then all animals are mass produced like objects =[ dont even get me started on blood sports! haha
That's really not nice! I'd be upset too! I'm veggie but I personally think it's more natural to eat meat, I just can't bring myself to eat it, but I've brought my son up as a meat eater - if he decides when he's older that he wats to stop eatting meat that's great - but it'll be his choice. Actually think if I ate meat I would be the size I am -I over compensate with carbs! :/
awh thanks hun :) yer he was well out of order, ive put it behind me now tho, i know i love animals and i can eat what i want! haha i know what you mean with the carb thing! its quite difficult to loose weight on a vegetarian diet as cheese and bread is a big thing lol thats why i love slim and save, anyone can do it :D xx