It's been good. I picked up joe from work and went out for an impromptu meal and had chargrilled chicken with spirals and salad and a glass of water. No pud
Was lovely! We went to a place that overlooks a marina and it was super sunny and it was gorgeous, and my sister brought my niece to visit as she lives close. She gave me the biggest cuddles ever and showed me what noises different animals make
I love her
Then we came home and watched goodnight sweetheart and went to bed at 10 coz we were both shattered. I woke up at 1 with a really blocked nose and a huge headache
and its still here now. Ugh.
Anyway.... Today is the first day of our little challenge and I'm looking forward to it
I will weigh in a bit and update mfp and send you my weight in a pm and we'll go from there xxx
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