2nd Interview - Medical Questionnaire

Congratulations and well done to both of you. X
Have only just caught up with this - many, many congratulations to you both!

I've found this thread so interesting, and empathised all the way through. Both of you must just go for it!

Very Best Wishes to you - do keep us posted!
This just keeps getting better and better - I'm getting a car with the job - whoop whoop!! Finally have a job with a company that I am proud of and will be treated well! Have paid my bliddy dues over the years - just goes to prove if you work hard and are patient.............I was beginning to lose hope

Feel like the luckiest girl alive

All good things come to those that wait. Congratulations to you, will you be getting the car before Christmas, hope so, what a love prezzie. toot toot.
Anyone got any experience of medical questionnaires? I haven't seen it yet but need to fill one in and I am totally freaked

Next year I expect to get my 5 years all clear and I have been told by my consultant that there is a less than 2% chance of the cancer coming back. I even qualified as a fitness instructor AFTER chemo. Could they rescind their offer? I am fit as a lop and even worked full time through my treatment (except for the fortnight that they wouldn't let me off the ward as I have sepsis)

I will be devastated if I have gone through all this and they pull their offer over something that is not even relevant :cry:

First of all, many many congratulations.

Secondly, I don't know for sure but I would have thought that although they will have questions relevant to your past medical history, they will be more interested in anything that affects your ability to work on a day to day basis.

I am 99.99999% certain that this is a formality and all will be fine. xxx
Thanks - I tend to forget all about it then something like this comes up and it feels like I've been punched in the gut

Common sense dictated that you are right but I panicked

Thanks again
Knowing how much this job means to you I'm not suprised you panicked.

It's easy for me, and others, to take the 'common sense' line but TBH I would probably have reacted the same x

Thanks, Hun, I really appreciate your help

And thanks to all you lovely ladies and gents who have helped me over the past few weeks. I really appreciated everyone replying with encouragement, advice and talking me down from the ledge. You really are a fabulous bunch!! Patient too - I must have done your heads in ;)
