Hello Ladies!!
I have finally caught up on all the posts over the last couple of days. How are we both? Everything sounds good and positive from what I've seen, and glad to hear it!
Firstly I feel I should introduce myself to you properly without using my alias name. Emma and Serena, I'm Lauren. Most of my friends call me Lozz and I'm originally from Australia, hence the OzLozz.
I am a single mum with a 7 year old son and have been in my newest relationship with John (Defo 'The One') for the past year. In fact it's our 1 year anniversary on Saturday and we are going out for a posh meal in London together, and I can't wait!
Well so far I'm doing ok and haven't ruined my week by going over my points and still have 3 days until I weigh in on Friday. I must say I'm seriously confused with how this diet works. Do I eat my weekly points or don't I? Do I eat plenty of free foods or am I ruining my chances of a big loss?
I think my plan is to see this week through and then try something different maybe. I am eating a lot and that is probably not a good thing. I'm wondering if I should combine WW with doing Intermittent Fasting (IF). I did it before by sticking to a certain eating timeframe and restricted calories. I managed to loose almost a stone and a half in about six weeks.
What do you guys think? X
Hey Lauren.
Sorry I've not posted in a couple of days, life just seems to be taking over at the moment and when I get chance to get on the internet, I'm usually too tired to actually do anything haha.
I'm 23, and therefore don't have any children. And right now, they're not a part of my future either. But that may change one day, as I can get very broody sometimes haha.
I've been with my boyfriend for almost 6 months, and he's a huge support. We knew each other for about a year before getting together after we met in a local nightclub and I asked for the balloon he was holding in his hand. He agreed to a trade and for me to get the balloon from him, I had to give him my phone number. I obliged, because I really wanted that balloon, and usually boys don't tend to text me anyway. However, this one was different and he hasn't left me alone since

The first year knowing him was a struggle. I really liked him, but he wasn't ready for a relationship, but we spent a lot of time together. Then finally, just before Christmas last year, he asked me out.
He can't do enough for me. He insisted to pay for my gym membership for me, but I hugely dislike taking money from people, so we made a compromise and we're paying half each. It's a real motivator because it's not just my money I'm wasting if I don't go.
I'm currently going to the gym 3-4 times a week, and taking 4-5 classes a week also.
He also wants to buy me a whole new wardrobe
and braces for my teeth (I'm very unhappy with my bottom teeth as they're rather crowded and my dentist wouldn't put me onto the list until it was too late for me to go through the NHS due to my age) but I'm not happy about that one either. I might let him buy me a new dress or something but definitely not an entire wardrobe.
He also helps with my urges at eating rubbish, as I don't want to have to tell him I've put on weight, so I resist the urges.
You might end up getting the impression that he rules my life. It's not like that at all. I appreciate his opinion, and ask him and get a lot of support from him, but ultimately, if I want to eat 6 doughnuts, I will, I just know that I'd feel awful and disappointed with myself if I had to tell him, and my WW buddies, my mum, my grandma, and everyone on here that I'd gained.
I personally think IF could be difficult. I try and stop from eating after a certain time in the day, but I struggle. I just eat when I'm hungry.
Also, if there's too much going on, it may all cancel itself out.
Like, I keep looking at different exercise routines & weight loss methods online. But I have to remind myself that if I did 6 different things at the same time, they'd clash and I probably wouldn't lose any weight.
So I'm sticking to my gym, my classes and weight watchers.
Anyway, think I've rambled enough for now. Hope you're doing ok.